The University of Sydney 28 August @studentsforpalestinesydneyuni Join Students for Palestine in our Strike for Palestine We’re striking at USYD because our university is complicit in the genocide in Palestine We have been fighting for years to demand our university cut ties with weapon companies and Israeli institutions. Be apart of the next mass action after the historic Student General Meeting! Skip your class and share this post! WHEN: 12pm Wednesday 28th of August! WHERE: Eastern Avenue See you there! #freepalestine #freegaza #palestine #fromtherivertothesea #gazacampusyd
Contemporary Art Platform 15 October @capkuwait A Tribute to Lebanon; Resilience in the face of Adversity A CAFF FOR SUPPORT The Contemporary Art Platform is dedicated to raising awareness about the tragic events currently unfolding in Lebanon. We aim to highlight the opening of an exhibition that honors the resilience, strength, and enduring beauty of Lebanon and its rich culture, even in times of adversity. This exhibition will feature a selection of artworks from the CAP Collection, showcasing diverse artistic expressions that reflect the spirit of Lebanon. In addition to the exhibition, we are collecting donations to support those affected by the war. If you have supplies to contribute, such as clothing, hygiene products, or other essential items, we invite you to bring them to the gallery. We will ensure that these donations reach those in Lebanon who need them most (more details on the recipients and shipping process will follow). Let us come together to support our brothers and sisters in Lebanon during this critical time. For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call 99389045 Artwork by Marwan Sahmarani Watercolor on paper 150.220 cm October 15 \ 6,9 pm Contemporary Art Platform
Mentlgasse 12b 28 August @listegazatirol Liste GAZA in Tirol: Mit überwältigender Unterstützung auf den Stimmzettel – Pressekonferenz: Wohin es für uns gehen soll Liste GAZA – Stimmen gegen den Völkermord in Tirol stellt sich vor. Seit fast einem Jahr wird in Gaza ein Völkermord vor den Augen der Weltöffentlichkeit verübt. Das offizielle Österreich, allen voran die österreichische Bundesregierung, aber auch die etablierten Parteien schweigen nicht nur, sondern steuern auf einem Kurs der fortgesetzten Unterstützung dieses Völkermords. Die österreichische Neutralität, die gebieten würde, sich für einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand und einen gerechten Frieden einzusetzen, wird außer Kraft gesetzt. Um diesen Kurs auch gegen die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung aufrecht zu halten, setzt die Regierung dabei auf zunehmend autoritäre Maßnahmen und Demokratieabbau, etwa bei den Grundrechten und auf die Repression der Palästinasolidarität. Der überwältigende Einsatz vieler und breiter Bevölkerungsschichten beim Sammeln der Unterstützungserklärungen für die Kandidatur von Liste GAZA in Tirol hat hingegen bewiesen, wieviele Menschen Zivilcourage auf der Grundlage elementarer menschlicher Moral zeigen und Liste GAZA auf dem Stimmzettel für die Nationalratswahlen 2024 sehen wollen, um dem politischen System einen Denkzettel zu verpassen. Liste GAZA Tirol lädt zur Pressekonferenz, um ihre regionalen Kandidat*innen zu präsentieren sowie Rede und Antwort zu den Zielen der Liste in Tirol zu geben. #nrw24 #vote4gaza #freepalestine #stopoccupation
Università degli Studi di Firenze 15 October @collettivo_ateneo_firenze Ad un anno dal 7 ottobre, dal Diluvio di Al-Aqsa e dal genocidio messo in atto, ci troviamo ad osservare un contesto di guerra che si allarga al Libano, che comprende il mar Rosso, e che sta trascinando il Medio-Oriente in un conflitto regionale. I fattori principali che vorremo evidenziare sono: - Resistenza: perché il popolo palestinese non è una mera vittima di quanto accade, ma ha un ruolo di resistenza attiva e opposizione al regime coloniale di israele, dal 7 ottobre come nei 75 anni prima di esso? - Propaganda: come i media occidentali distorcono la realtà per legittimare l'entità sionista e di conseguenza gli interessi economici dei propri stati? - Guerra: che ruolo hanno l' Italia e gli atenei italiani all' interno degli attuali conflitti? Confrontiamoci su questi temi per comprendere meglio cosa accade e fino a che punto si spinge la guerra! 15 ottobre ore 16:00 in D5 aula 002.
Sapporo Station South Square 25 August @tearsforpalestine_sapporo1202 [English caption in comment] パレスチナに涙を Tears for Palestine 8.25(日曜日) 13:00-13:45 札幌駅南口広場 13:45からは北海道パレスチナ医療奉仕団による集会&マイクリレーがあります。 (今回はデモ行進はありません) 雨天の場合 赤い涙アクションはお休みです。 13:00-14:00 奉仕団の集会&マイクリレー となります。 パレスチナに涙を →ガザで犠牲になっている方々をおもって、道ゆく人に赤い涙を描いてもらいます。 グラウンドルール ・何かあればいつでも教えてください。 ・差別・ハラスメントは禁止です。 ・他人の身体は触らないでください。 ・性別・年齢・ルーツなどの見た目で決めつけないようにしましょう。 ・点字ブロックを踏まないようご注意ください。 ・出入りは自由です。辛くなったら休んだり抜けたりしてください。 ・写真撮影は基本的にNGです。 運営側には専任の撮影スタッフがいます。 参加者・取材の方は顔を写さないか、ご本人に写真の許可を取るようお願いします。 パレスチナに 涙を。さっぽろ について ・それぞれの思いとつながりで集まった個人的な集まりです。 ・パレスチナに連帯する方が集まることのできる場と、まだパレスチナで起こっていることを知らない方にきっかけをつくることをめざしており、道ゆく人が近寄りやすい雰囲気を大切にしています。 ・マイク/メガホンなどでの大きな音は使わずに、その場にいる人に聞こえる声量でよびかけます。 情報補償 筆談の準備もございますので、必要でしたら運営メンバー(赤い涙の布バッジを身につけています) にお声かけください。 そのほかの配慮が必要な方は事前にDMしていただけると嬉しいです。 募金 いただいたご寄付は、 Pal Collective(国際ガザ支援グループで、共同体単位での支援を行っている団体) に寄付・使用させていただきます。 #tearsforpalestine #freeforpalestine #ceasefirenow #情報保障をともに #じょうほうほしょうをともに
Riobamba 981 15 October @laligaconpalestina Los esperamos!
Laudium Stadium 12 October @psa_sa Come out in your numbers. Join @sa_friends_of_palestine for their humanitarian walk for freedom
Queens Gardens 13 October @justiceforpalestine.magandjin All out for Palestine this Sunday! This is a family friendly event - bring all of your family and friends along and let's make this the biggest rally for Palestine Magan-djin has seen yet! #BDSMovement #freepalestine #CeaseFireNow #freepalestineoct13 @bdsinaustralia @apan4palestine @mumsforpalestine_meanjin @students4palestine_uq @unionists4palestineqld
Tiedekulma 11 October Join us for the launch of a critical new book, “Lived Resistance against the War on Palestinian Children”. When: Friday 11.10. 16 - 18 Where: Tiedekulma, Helsinki, Yliopistonkatu 4 + livestreaming Panelists: Heidi Morrison, Nitin Sawhney, Randa Al-Dawoudi Moderator: Syksy Räsänen, vice-chair of Sumud The panelists will offer critical perspectives on vulnerability and resilience among children in war, as well as the historical and political situation in Palestine, and its impacts on the lives of young people in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem). How are these children resisting or coping with the effects of endless wars and Occupation in their lives, and what does the future hold for coming generations? You're warmly welcome to the event!
مكتبة تكوين 15 October @takweenkw الثلاثاء في #مكتبة_تكوين بالتعاون مع BDS - حركة مقاطعة الكيان الصهيوني في الكويت، وضمن سلسلة محاضرات (سقط القناع عن القناع) محاضرة بعنوان (تاريخ حقيقي لنشأة الكيان: دبورٌ تمخّض ليلد الصهيونية)، يُلقيها أ. فيصل كريم الظفيري. وذلك في تمام الساعة ٧:٣٠ مساءً.
Nanigotoya 25 August @qccqueercinemaclub お待たせしました! Here is the schedule for August 25th's DANCE FOR GAZA event! 今回のスケジュールを紹介します! | 15:00 DOORS OPEN | @msmt_btleg | 16:00 FILM上映: "Beirut Dreams In Color" | 16:40 PANEL DISCUSSION @hikaroooh @_wip39 @dimanabookmark @yorikokukita | 17:30 @pech3_desu | 18:30 @odanobuniggr | 19:30 SPEECH by @the_velvet_house | 19:40 @luxxarry888 | 19:50 @jomni__ | 20:50 @aika.markova | 21:00 MANKO WITH A MISSION aka @chalin_shadowboxing × @_wip39 | 22:00 END BY SUIKA HOUSE パレスチナの石鹸屋さん by スイカハウス TATTOOS BY LINUS タトゥー by リヌス Sunday 8/25(土) Nanigotoya @nanigotoya6960 ¥1,500 + 1 drink ワンドリンク制 Dressing up HIGHLY ENCOURAGED!!! 仮装も大・大大歓迎、むしろ推奨! 100% of ticket sales will be donated to GAZA. 売上は全てガザに寄付されます。 SEE YOU THERE #QueerCinemaClub #QueerCultureCommunity #PalestinianSolidarity #LiberationForAll #Solidarity #SupportGaza #Activism #osaka #namba #osakaevents #osakaparty #queersforpalestine #danceforgaza #unrwa #ceasfire #ceasefirenow #大阪 #大阪プライド #大阪イベント #パレスチナ #パレスティナ #虐殺やめろ #停戦 #今すぐ停戦
Korjaamo Kino Töölö 14 November @refugeefilmfestival ENSITIEDOTE: Refugee Film Festival 2024 tulee marraskuussa! Ohjelmisto ja aikataulu julkaistaan lokakuun aikana, mutta merkkaa jo kalenteriisi torstai, perjantai ja lauantai 14.-16. marraskuuta ja paikka on Korjaamo Kino Helsingin Töölössä. Ohjelmistossa on lyhyitä ja pitkiä elokuvia, dokumentteja ja draamaelokuvia, kotimaisia ja ulkomaisia. Ja jälleen kerran kotimaisen pitkän elokuvan maailmanensi-ilta! Tämän vuoden paneelikeskustelut käsittelevät ulkomaalaislain muutoksia ja Palestiinaa. RFF2024 visuaalisen ilmeen on luonut julistetaiteilija Shadi Haddadin. Refugee Film Festival on moniääninen ja monikielinen elokuvafestivaali, joka käsittelee elokuvien ja keskustelujen keinoin pakolaisuuteen ja maahanmuuttoon liittyviä teemoja. Tuttujen tapaamista ja yhdessäoloa unohtamatta. Nähdään pian! BREAKING NEWS: Refugee Film Festival 2024 is coming in November! The program and schedule will be published during October, but mark your calendars for Thursday, Friday and Saturday 14-16 November and the place is Korjaamo Kino in Töölö, Helsinki. As always, we have short and long films, documentaries and drama films, domestic and foreign. Plus a world premiere of a domestic feature film! This year’s panel discussions will deal with changes to the Aliens Act and Palestine. And finally: the visual look of RFF2024 is created by visual artist @shadi_haddadin Refugee Film Festival is a multi-voiced and multilingual film festival that deals with themes related to refugees and immigration through films and discussions. But RFF is also a meeting point for film lovers, friends and activists. See you soon pumpkins! REFUGEE FILM FESTIVAL 14.-16.11.2024 @korjaamokino Tööölönkatu 51 Helsinki
Malmö Opera 25 August @malmo.for.palestine SÖNDAG 25 AUGUSTI See you on sunday!
Vancouver Art Gallery 12 October @hiyadania Join us for a Palestinian-led event to honour the martyrs of Palestine. Over a year of genocide at the hands of the Zio-regime has resulted in the murder of over 50,000 innocent Palestinians. We will gather to share stories of our people, art, poetry and be in community together. Bring stories, pictures, posters, candles, flowers, art or anything else that you feel drawn to! #centerthepeople
Dutch Quad 25 August @ualbanysjp At the President’s Picnic, our dedicated members took a stand, distributing flyers to shed light on UAlbany’s involvement in acts of genocide. This Sunday, we invite you to the People’s Picnic—join us to learn more about SJP, our ongoing fight for justice on campus, and to connect with our incredible community. Don’t forget to bring snacks to share if you can! Let’s come together, raise awareness, and build a stronger movement. #SJP #PeoplesPicnic #JusticeOnCampus #CommunitySolidarity