Barclays Bank 12 October @aberdeenspsc ABERDEEN ACTION: OVER ONE YEAR! Saturday 12th October 11:00AM Barclays, 163 Union Street, Aberdeen We are now over one year of the ongoing genocide in Palestine. We must resist apartheid! Our commitment to the values we believe in remain steadfast, like the Palestinians steadfastness in our shared pursuit for the liberation of Palestine. The complicity of our government and institutions, who continue to enable apartheid Israel's genocidal tactics in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen, must end. Exist. Resist. Return. Bring out your kuffiyehs! #FreePalestine #Lebanon #BDS #BoycottBarclays #NotoGenocide #CeasefireNow #EndtheGenocide #EndtheOccupation #EndApartheid
Civic Square 12 October @launceston_for_palestine Back at Civic Sq this week.
Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, UACh 15 October @juvappvaldivia PALESTINA BAJO EL LENTE: El rol del cine en la Palestina ocupada. El día martes 15, en el marco del Festival de Cine Internacional (@ficvaldivia), se rodarán películas de autoría palestina, y aprovecharemos esta imperdible oportunidad para conversar con Niles Atallah (@nilesatallah), cineasta chileno- palestino, que esa noche presentará su largometraje “Animalia paradoxa”. Participan Consuelo Zerené Sergio Zerené Invitado Niles Atallah Recuerda Auditorio Eleazar Huerta (ex Cidfil), Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia. Martes 15 de octubre. 17:30- 18:30 pm. ¡Nos vemos el martes! #palestinalibre #noalgenocidiopalestino #cortarrelacionesconisrael #valdivia #ficvaldivia
University of Twente 15 October @enschedestudentsforpalestine Tuesday the 15th of Ocotber, we have a must watch lecture in which we will talk about the history of the Palestinian struggle. In this lecture there will be space to learn together and ask questions. Bring friends, family, teachers, housemates and everyone who wants to join! Tuesday 15 October 19:00 Spiegel 6, University of Twente
Florida International University 15 October @sjpatfiu *THIS TUESDAY* Last week, the calendar date of October 7th marked 1 YEAR of the haunting genocide taking place in Gaza. A year stained by blood, hunger, and devastation. Israel’s assault on Gazan civilians has only escalated over the past year, spreading to the entirety of Gaza and now into the country of Lebanon. JOIN US *Tuesday, October 15th* as we demonstrate our unwavering solidarity with Gaza and demand an end to FIU’s complicity in this year-long genocide. *NOTE* This is NOT a moving protest, we will stay at GC Lawns the entirety of the event. Bring signs, friends, and most importantly, passion! We will also be selling kuffiyehs during the event so don’t miss out
Bunker Lunar 12 October @comitesolidaridadpalestinagdl Nos vemos el 12 de Octubre en #LLASFEST: Alto al fuego. Estaremos recolectando firmas por Palestina (para que México rompa relaciones con Israhell) de 7 a 10 pm. Pero también acompañaremos las actividades que prepararon con amor y resistencia : Camina en la ciudad para analizar el arte activista por Palestina y conectar con nuestro contexto con @transeuntas @caminatorio y @ludicalabcd Bordemos y resistamos con @_daniela.sanchez_ Conversemos e informémonos sobre el conflicto histórico en Palestina Conectemos y procesemos nuestros sentires escuchando música con oud por @fando.quintero disfrutando de un deli @pulquerevueltas PRONTO PUBLICAREMOS LA RUTA DE MURALES POR EL ALTO AL FUEGO con @siendojuntas y @tumerafab ¡Los esperamos! No olviden llevar su INE.
Piazzale Carlo Maciachini 12 October @giovanipalestinesimilano Anche questo sabato, 12 ottobre, saremo in corteo a Milano per la Palestina e per il Libano! Scenderemo in piazza per appoggiare la nostra Resistenza, condannare il genocidio in corso da più di un anno a Gaza e il massacro contro i nostri fratelli e sorelle in tutto il mondo arabo, soprattutto in Libano. Ci vediamo alle ore 15:30 in Piazza Maciachini. Il corteo teriminerà in Piazzale Duca d'Aosta. PALESTINA LIBERA DAL FIUME AL MARE FUORI I SIONISTI DAL LIBANO
Mary Fitzgerald Square 14 October @africa4palestine Monday #leilakhaleddrive
Auditorio Eleazar Huerta (ex Cidfil), Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia. 14 October #Repost @juvappvaldivia CONVERSATORIO EN LA UACH CON LA EMBAJADORA DE PALESTINA. En el marco de la visita a Valdivia de la Embajadora de Palestina en Chile (@embajadapalestinachile), Exc. Vera Baboun (@vera.baboun), hemos organizado un tremendo conversatorio junto con Debbie Guerra y Roberto Morales, docentes de la escuela de Antropología UACh. ”PALESTINA: Una historia de lucha, resistencia y caminos para la paz” serán los ejes que abordaremos para generar un diálogo siempre imprescindible, pero que se torna obligatorio en este contexto. ¡La invitación es abierta a todo público! Exponen Exc. Vera Baboun Sergio Zerené Moderan Debbie Guerra Roberto Morales Recuerda Auditorio Eleazar Huerta (ex Cidfil), Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia. Lunes 14 de octubre. 11:30- 13:00 pm. ¡Nos vemos el lunes! #palestinalibre #noalgenocidiopalestino #cortarrelacionesconisrael #valdivia #uach
Frederikkeplassen, Blindern 14 October #Repost @palestinacampen.uio [English below] Vi trenger DEG på Palestinacampens siste massemobilisering 14. Oktober, for å tydelig vise administrasjonen at folket ønsker en umiddelbar institusjonell akademisk boikott av isr*elske utdanningsinstitusjoner. Kampen vår er langt fra over, om enn i et endret format. Vi ønsker å markere oss tydelig før campen pakkes ned, og trenger deg derfor på Frederikkeplassen, Blindern, kl.15:30! Vi vil avslutte markeringen med en marsj til campen. [English] We need YOU on the Palestine encampments last mass mobilization the 14th of October, to clearly show the administration that the people want an immediate institutional academic boycott of isr*eli educational institutions. Our fight is far from over, even though in a slightly changed format. We want to make ourselves stand out clearly before the camp is packed down, and we there need you at Frederikkeplassen, Blindern, 3:30pm! The demo will finish off with a march towards the encampment.
34th & Walnut 14 October #Repost @pennfjp Join us this Indigenous Peoples Day for the Palestine Solidarity Vigil as we stand united against genocide and oppression from Lenapehoking to Palestine. Bring your musical instruments and flags to share in this collective act of solidarity (no political party flags). October 14, 2024 3:30 PM 34th & Walnut St, Philadelphia This event is organized by Penn FJP and our partners to honor the interconnected struggles for Indigenous and Palestinian rights. Follow @PennFJP on Instagram or X for any updates. We hope to see you there in the spirit of solidarity and resistance! #IndigenousPeoplesDay #Palestine #LenapehokingToPalestine #GenocideIsACrime #PalestinianRights #IndigenousRights #LandBack
Karashimacho tram station 14 October #Repost @kumamoto.palestine 2024年10月14日(月休)14:00-15:00 English follows Japanese くまもと 市電 辛島町前 (しでん からしまちょう まえ) パレスチナ人ジェノサイドに反対(はんたい)するスタンディングアクション 1年以上、殺戮(さつりく)がつづいています 人間(にんげん)として、この状況(じょうきょう)を無視(むし)することはできません ガザの虐殺も、西岸地区の虐殺も、レバノンでの虐殺も、ゆるさない フライヤーを配布(はいふ)します プラカードをもってきても、もってこなくても、大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)です いつきても、いつかえっても、自由(じゆう)です 1分(ふん)〜一緒(いっしょ)にたって、パレスチナに連帯(れんたい)をしめしましょう はじめてのかた、かんげいします 一緒(いっしょ)に声(こえ)をあげて、ジェノサイドをおわらせましょう みなさんのご参加(さんか)をおまちしています ◉差別(さべつ)・ハラスメントしない ◉こまったとき、こまっているような人(ひと)をみかけたときは、相談(そうだん)けてください ◉写真(しゃしん)や動画(どうが)を撮影(さつえい)をするときやSNSにのせるときは、相手(あいて)に許可(きょか)をもらうなど、配慮(はいりょ)をおねがいします ◉情報保障(じょうほうほしょう) UDトーク、筆談(ひつだん)、準備(じゅんび)しています そのほか、調整(ちょうせい)が必要(ひつよう)な方(かた)は、おしえてください >>>パレスチナのことを話(はな)しつづけよう<<< Monday, 14 October 14:00-15:00 In from to of Karashimacho tram station Standing action against genocide of the Palestinians in Kumamoto We demand to end the genocide in Palestine, now. We do not forgive massacres in Gaza, West Bank, and Lebanon. ◉No tolerance for discrimination and harassment. ◉If you are in trouble or see anyone in trouble, please inform us. ◉Ask people before photographing or filming them. ◉Accessibility: UD Talk and written communication tools available. Please let us know if you need any assistance. >>>Keep talking about Palestine<<< #standingforceasefireinKumamoto #パレスチナ連帯デモくまもと #ceasefirenow #stopgenocide #freepalestine #freegaza #パレスチナ #ガザ #パレスチナに自由を #熊本 #kumamoto #情報保障をともに #じょうほしょうをともに
Hodgkin Building KCL Guy's Campus 14 October #Repost @kclstands4justice KCL Stands For Justice and KCL SJP are very excited to present our latest event: 'Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom' with world renowned scholar Dr Norman Finkelstein Norman Finkelstein received his doctorate from the Princeton University Department of Politics and has taught political theory for many years. He is the author of many books that have been translated into 60 foreign editions, including “Gaza: An inquest into its martyrdom”, and “Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine conflict”. In the year 2020, Norman Finkelstein was named the fifth most influential political scientist in the world. He spoke to the KCL encampment earlier this year in May and will be joining us again to reflect on a year of genocide, the student movement and Israel's assault on Lebanon. He will be joining us online via Zoom. Please register with the QR code in the poster or the link below: Date: Monday October 14th 2024. Time: 5:00pm Location: Gowland Hopkins Lecture Theatre, Hodgkin Building, Guy's Campus, Newcomen Street, London, SE1 1UL ( We will begin the conversation at 5:00pm sharp, so please arrive with 10-15 minutes to spare. The event is open to both King’s and non-King’s students. We look forward to seeing you there!
B96 (Beach 96th Street) 14 October #Repost @surfers_in_solidarity UPDATE: Hi everyone! Looks like it’s going to be cold and windy with bigger waves on Monday, 10/14. To be inclusive of all surf levels and for max participation in the paddle out, we made the tough call to postpone the paddle out and related events (including lessons with @farmy_ and @zane.Elias, raffle with prizes from @lordbords and @djfatin). We will still carry on in the spirit of Indigenous People’s Day. Please mark the new date: Sunday, October 20. Watch this space as we confirm details. See you in the water! LAND BACK! WATER BACK! EVERYTHING BACK! : @soph.ieholin
BEERS BOOKS, 712 R ST, SACRAMENTO 14 October #Repost @sacjvp Meet the author! Monday October 14th at 5pm • Beers Books • 712 R St Sacramento • See you there!!!