Bridge of Remembrance 30 August #Repost @psna_otautahi *UPDATE TUESDAY FLAG WAVING LOCATION* Now at the intersection by the Bus Exchange ZINE FOLDING & FLAG WAVING DATES & LOCATIONS THIS WEEK Bring a flag, a sign or just yourself. Free Palestine
Corner of Sutton Quay & Norwich Quay 28 August #Repost @psna_otautahi *UPDATE TUESDAY FLAG WAVING LOCATION* Now at the intersection by the Bus Exchange ZINE FOLDING & FLAG WAVING DATES & LOCATIONS THIS WEEK Bring a flag, a sign or just yourself. Free Palestine
Mary Magdalene Church, Bradford, BD8 8HY 26 August #Repost @palestinespeakerscorner Tomorrow at Palestine Speakers Corner 6:30pm Mary Magdalene Church Bradford BD8 8HY
Universiteit Leiden 5 November @studentsforpalestine Join us for a sit down in cafe Lipsius next week Tuesday for a conversation on Leiden Universities complicity in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people
Porte d'Aix 3 November @urgencepalestine.marseille On lache rien ! Wallou Après plus d’un an de souffrances et de luttes, nous ne lâchons rien ! Ce dimanche 3 novembre à 14h, retrouvons-nous porte d’Aix pour faire entendre notre solidarité indéfectible avec le peuple palestinien. Nous resterons mobilisés tant que la justice n’aura pas été rétablie, tant que le peuple palestinien n’aura pas obtenu un cessez-le-feu . Nous sommes ici pour dénoncer l’oppression, revendiquer la justice et exiger des actes concrets. Chaque voix compte et chaque action est essentielle. Unissons nos forces, faisons résonner notre détermination et ne laissons pas l’indifférence étouffer notre appel à la liberté ! Soyons solidaires, soyons résolus, et ensemble, faisons la différence !
Karachi Press Club 3 November @savegazakhi Day 391 of W@r On Ga@z@- Today, the occupying power b0mbed another hospital, including medical supplies, water tanks, patients and doctors. This is 1st Nov.2024 and 95 MORE P@lestini@ns are k!lled in G@z@ today, in a SINGLE day. How many more hospitals? How many more children? How many more dreams would it take to awaken you from this very peaceful slumber? The w@r is now being going on for a YEAR. What did YOU do to stop it? Become a part of S@veG@z@Campaign protest this Sunday, 3-nov-2024 at press club LET THE CHANGE BEGIN WITH YOU! Together we can!! 3rd-nov-2024 Press Club, Karachi 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Downing St 2 November @friendsofalaqsa Die In for Palestine Saturday 2 November, 12 noon Downing Street, London Israel’s genocide in Gaza has killed over 43,000 Palestinians in Gaza, with the actual figure likely to be several times higher. This has only been possible through the continued support that it has received from its allies, including the UK. Keir Starmer’s government promised change and a foreign policy driven by international law and yet, they continue to provide Israel with diplomatic and military support. Join us for this symbolic action outside Downing Street to commemorate those who have been killed and to protest the UK’s ongoing complicity in Israel’s crimes. Help us to send a clear message that the UK public stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
TU ALLAN I'R SENEDD 5 November #Repost @palestinesolidaritycymru Please share this widely. Arms embargo now. We cannot sit idly by while the UK and Welsh Government remain silent, while we continue to make and sell arms to Israel. Speakers from Trade Unions, activist organisations, Politicians, health care. Please spread the word. Diolch Plis rhannwch hwn yn eang. Embargo arfau nawr. Ni allwn eistedd yn segur tra bod Lywodraeth San Steffan a Chymru yn aros yn dawel, tra byddwn yn parhau i wneud a gwerthu arfau i Israel. Siaradwyr o Undebau Llafur, sefydliadau actifyddion, Gwleidyddion, gofal iechyd. Lledaenwch y gair os gwelwch yn dda. Diolch #freepalestine #rhyddidibalesteina #armsembargonow #embargoarfaunawr
Toussaintkade 55 2513CL Den Haag 2 November #Repost (Pls repost we are $ad0wb@nned) Join us for a special reading of A Million Kites, next Saturday. Date: November 2, 2024 Quartair, Toussaintkade 55, The Hague Walk-in: 17:30 | Starts: 17:45 Sign up: Link in bio ( This collection features testimonies and poems from the children of Gaza, gathered between October 2023 and March 2024. The book gives voice to their dreams, struggles, and hopes, offering a glimpse into their lives as individuals, not just numbers. Leila Boukarim and Asaf Luzon will guide us through the readings, alternating between English and Arabic. After the readings, each participant will have the opportunity to create their own kite and write a personal wish inspired by the stories. all proceeds will be donated to al jawad camp @jawadcamp1 Poster @manarch
Al Janiah Rua Rui Barbosa, 269 2 November #Repost @aljaniah_oficial PALESTINE CINEMA DAYS O Al Janiah e o Cine Club Al Ard tem a honra de receber mais uma vez o Festival Palestine Cinema Days (Dias de Cinema na Palestina). A iniciativa da ONG's Aflamuna e Film Lab Palestine @filmlabpalestine visa divulgar o cinema produzido no Oriente Médio, em especial filmes dedicados a causa palestina. Neste ano, a exibição ocorre no dia 2 de novembro para lembrar a declaração de Balfour, o primeiro documento histórico que previa a criação de Israel e a expulsão dos palestinos de suas terras. 2/11_ Aidas Returns (2023), 77’ Documentário Após o falecimento de sua mãe, a diretora Carol Mansour encontrou amigos em Beirute dispostos a levar Aida de volta com eles para a Palestina. O filme acompanha Carol enquanto ela cria uma maneira de devolver sua mãe auxiliada por um improvável grupo de amigos e estranhos se unindo para facilitar o que deveria ter sido uma jornada simples. Essa jornada é ao mesmo tempo muito particular e ainda assim universal. É uma homenagem ao passado perdido da família da diretora, uma tentativa de restaurar parte de uma memória individual e coletiva, e um aceno poético e afirmação a todos os palestinos exilados proibidos de retornar às suas cidades natais, mesmo após a morte. Palestina Direção: Carol Mansour O Cinecelube Al Ard acontece quinzenalmente, às terças-feiras, sempre às 20h. A entrada é gratuita e a Palest1na será l1vre! Al Janiah – Rua Rui Barbosa, 269, Bixiga, São Paulo. أيام السينما الفلسطينية تتشرف الجانية ونادي سينما الأرض باستضافة مهرجان أيام فلسطين السينمائية مرة أخرى. وتهدف مبادرة "أفلامونا" و"فيلم لاب فلسطين" غير الحكومية إلى الترويج للسينما المنتجة في الشرق الأوسط، وخاصة الأفلام المخصصة للقضية الفلسطينية. ويقام المعرض هذا العام في الثاني من نوفمبر لإحياء ذكرى وعد بلفور، أول وثيقة تاريخية تنبأت بقيام إسرائيل وطرد الفلسطينيين من أراضيهم
Place de la Rotonde 2 November #Repost @cep.aix MANIFESTATION RDV : Samedi 2 novembre à 15 h 00 Place de la Rotonde Manifestation déclarée Nous vous attendons pour porter haut les motifs de la résistance. Vous pourrez également faire l’acquisition du plus beau tote bag d’Aix-en-Provence sur place !! Grâce à notre partenariat avec @pasteque_ta_ville, les bénéfices seront reversés à @humanappealfrance pour soutenir la population palestinienne
Spiegel 7, university of Twente 5 November #Repost @enschedestudentsforpalestine On Tuesday November 5th, we will organise a lecture in which we will talk about how the horrible budget cuts on education, suppression of student protests and support for the genocidal zionist entity are connected. See you there! Tuesday November 5th Spiegel 7, university of Twente Free Palestine Get Thales off campus End the budget cuts on education
Rudolfplatz 2 November #Repost Kommt zu unserer Kundgebung am Samstag, den 02.11. um 14 Uhr am Rudolfplatz Stoppt den Genozid in Palästina! Stoppt die Kriegsverbrechen in Libanon! Stoppt die Waffenlieferungen! Während der imperialistische Kolonialstaat Israel ungebremst systematischen Völkermord, besonders in Nord Gaza, begeht, liefert die Bundesregierung weiterhin Waffen an das israelische Regime und unterstützt aktiv den Völkermord in Palästina und den Angriffskrieg auf Libanon. Die gezielte Ermordung von Zivilist:innen, Kindern, Journalist:innen, medizinischem Personal und die Blockade von Hilfsgütern müssen sofort beendet werden. Lasst uns gemeinsam laut sein und zeitgleich unseren Mitmenschen in Palästina und Libanon gedenken. Hoch die internationale Solidarität!
vor dem Audimax des KIT Karlsruhe 5 November #Repost @palaestina_ka Demonstration am Dienstag, den 05. November auf dem KIT-Campus. Treffpunkt ist draußen am Südeingang des Audimax, Str. am Forum 1, 76131 Karlsruhe. Deutschland liefert immer noch Waffen, das KIT schweigt immer noch zum Völkermord in Gaza! Kommt vorbei, bringt eure Freunde mit und demonstriert mit uns gegen Unterstützung für den Völkermord!
Media Park 4 November #Repost @freepressunltd Will you join us on Monday, 4 November? @plant.eenolijfboom and Free Press Unlimited are joining forces for a memorial #demonstration for the at least 17.000 children and 128 #journalists killed in #Palestine and the Occupied Territories. Thousands children's shoes will be put down and the names of all the children and journalists will be read out loud. Together, we call attention to the plight of Palestinian children and the safety of journalists. 4 November 2024 Mediapark, Hilversum 12.00 - 17.00 (CET) We hope to see you!