1315 10th STREET STATE CAPITOL https://maps.app.goo.gl/pyH31XQvbKCWGKDR9 8 October #Repost @srcpalestine
American University of Kuwait_ MULTIPURPOSE ROOM (MPR) https://maps.app.goo.gl/EQjKnGCXjNprUhbi8 7 October #Repost @bds_kuwait انضموا إلينا اليوم الساعة 2 ظهراً في الجامعة الأمريكية في الكويت للحديث عن حركة المقاطعة ومهامها وأهميتها وتأثيرها بعد مرور عام على الإبادة الجماعية وتأثر الأسواق العالمية بالمقاطعة *الملاحظة: النقاش سيكون باللغة الإنقليزية
AT MUSIKKPAVILJONGEN (IN FRONT OF RÅDHUSET) https://maps.app.goo.gl/QAARq6Xr27E3dDF46 8 October #Repost @palestinakomiteenitromso Come, join us on Tuesday. Bli med på minnemarkering på tirsdag.
METRO LAURENTINA https://maps.app.goo.gl/UCPpNkYZ9R82nm349 8 October #Repost @giovanipalestinesiroma L’8 è il 9 ottobre si terrà il Cybertech Europe alla nuvola di Fuksas. L’evento, con Leonardo Spa come principale sponsor, sarà una vetrina per l’industria delle armi, del controllo e dello spionaggio, volto a rafforzare i legami tra aziende e organizzazioni del settore e la normalizzazione di queste tecnologie utilizzate per la repressione. A CYBERTECH Europa 2024 intervengono, tra gli altri, Roberto Cingolani e Lorenzo Mariani (direttori generali di Leonardo), Mario Beccia (vicedirettore tecnologie informatiche NATO, Belgio) e ben tre rappresentanti di imprese israeliane: Netanel Amar (direttore operativo di Cynet Security), Yossi Vardi (presidente di Cybertech Conferences), Gil Shwed (direttore generale di Check Point Software Technologies). E’ da sottolineare che Leonardo, azienda leader mondiale di armamenti, ricopra un ruolo di primo piano in CYBERTECH e vanti disparati rapporti radicali con l’industria delle armi israeliana; nel solo 2022 si è fusa con l’israeliana Rada Electronic, produttrice di radar utilizzati nel sistema “Iron Fist” sui corazzati da combattimento ora dispiegati a Gaza – oltre ad aver venduta elicotteri da combattimento alle forze armate di Tel Aviv. La presenza di Israele a CYBERTECH non è di certo casuale: è proprio attraverso le strutture del colonialismo di insediamento, dell’occupazione militare e dell’apartheid ai danni della popolazione palestinese - sottoposta da decenni a sorveglianza di massa e costante repressione – che Israele ha sviluppato il settore, facendo delle “prove sul campo” una strategia di marketing, . Il recente cyber massacro di massa compiuto da Israele in Libano e Siria – che ha ucciso al meno 42 persone e ne ha ferito oltre tremila, è stato compiuto mediante l’esplosione di dispositivi di vario genere con impulso da remoto: questo dimostra, con letale evidenza, l’incremento dell’uso criminale e militare delle tecnologie informatiche.
AUT MARAE https://maps.app.goo.gl/wGHTZHwu2MkLC6Ki9 8 October #Repost @uoasjp Get the artist out of you and let’s make some banners and signs for Palestine! No cardboard? No problem. Just pull up, and you can help someone with their masterpiece. Plus, there’ll be FREE PIZZA for everyone! It’s happening Tuesday, Oct 8, 4-7PM at AUT Marae. All you gotta do is bring some energy (and cardboard if you got it). And hey, you don’t even have to be a uni student to join. Everyone’s welcome! #PaintForPalestine #StudentsForJustice #FreePalestine #CreativeResistance #BannerMakingVibes #art #paletine #uoa #aut #marae #paint #banner #painting #drawing
Texas A&M University-San Antonio https://maps.app.goo.gl/mkPC2NW7DkaT7QAX8?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 10 October @sajp1948 INVITATION: Join us for session #3 of The People’s University for Palestine, titled “Deadly Exchanges: Capitalism, Militarism, Borders, and Policing from Texas to Palestine.” Interested in learning more about how San Antonio lends support to and profits from the genocide in Palestine? In this interactive session, participants will explore how exploitation, incarceration, surveillance, and premature death in San Antonio and South Texas are interrelated with the 76-year long ethnic cleansing of Palestinians through a set of focused, guided discussions. Register for this in-person event by clicking the link in our bio or scanning the QR code on the second slide. When: Thursday, Oct 10th, 6-7:30pm Where: Texas A&M University San Antonio, Room 219 of the Central Academic Building . . . . . . . . . . . . #sanantonioforjusticeinpalestine #texasforpalestine #sanantonio #gaza #rafah #endtheseigeongaza #e044
Largo São Francisco https://maps.app.goo.gl/LnugjuPZU67ZUhLZ7?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 10 October @cppc_conselhopaz «PALESTINA LIVRE! PAZ NO MÉDIO ORIENTE!» BRAGA | 10 DE OUTUBRO | 17H30 | LARGO DE SÃO FRANCISCO A Jornada Nacional de Solidariedade com o povo Palestiniano e pela Paz no Médio Oriente terá início no dia 2 de outubro. Dia 10 de outubro há desfile em Braga, com início no Largo de São Francisco! Junta-te a nós! Conhece e subscreve o apelo: https://forms.gle/qYWAmj92gTxqKMgG8
Biblioteca da Faculdade de Educação - Faced UFRGS https://maps.app.goo.gl/NP869rVuikYvazgs9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 10 October @ceri.ufrgs O CERI tem o prazer de anunciar o evento em solidariedade à luta Palestina "1 ano da atual fase do genocídio palestino frente ao sionismo israelense: o que mudou?". Diante da insuficiência de discussões e mobilizações na universidade sobre o genocídio palestino, o evento se torna um espaço fundamental de discussão e também promoção do internacionalismo e do conhecimento acerca da realidade na Palestina. O evento ocorrerá no dia 10 de outubro às 17:30 no Auditório da Faculdade de Educação (FACED). Essa data pertence à semana do marco de um ano desde o início da Tempestade Al-aqsa, operação que despontou uma nova fase da resistência palestina. Para o debate, receberemos os convidados Ualid Rabah, presidente da Federação Árabe Palestina no Brasil (FEPAL); Cláudia Santos, militante do movimento Boicote, Desenvolvimento e Sanções (BDS) e da Frente Gaúcha de Solidariedade ao Povo Palestino; e Mariana Dawas, militante da Juventude Sanaud e estudante de Jornalismo na UFRGS. Convidamos toda a comunidade acadêmica da UFRGS e também o público externo para participar e engajar nesse debate! Te esperamos lá!
Hachikō Memorial Statue https://maps.app.goo.gl/J7Yc9EmwUzvC1nmF8?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 10 October @hanin.gaza.jp 緊急デモ EMERGENCY PROTEST 渋谷駅ハチ公前 Shibuya Hachiko Square 10/7 (月) Mon. 19:00-21:00 76年の抵抗 今年こそ朗報、パレスチナ解放! 76 Years of Resistance On This Year, A Free Palestine is Near 10月7日、私たちは世界が何十年も見て見ぬふりをしてきた真実を映し出します。パレスチナの自由のために声を上げ、行動を起こしましょう! On October 7th, we’ll be projecting the truth the world has tried to turn away from for decades. Show up, raise your voice, take action for a Free Palestine! #情報保障をともに #じょうほうほしょうをともに 情報保証:UDトーク Written communication will be available
Saint Louis University https://maps.app.goo.gl/imea6cM3mCXdBJRP7?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 10 October @slumesa Please join us on October 10 for our Craft Night! We will be discussing Palestine and Lebanon, and also raising funds for different aid organizations. It is free to join and craft supplies will be provided!
KEPK https://maps.app.goo.gl/zTwske8cR9bwTiEE7?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 10 October @magandjincreativesforpalestine Save the date for ’12 Months of Solidarity’; a photographic exhibition of the Palestine solidarity movement in Magan-djin and surrounding areas. ___ Exhibition: 12 Months of Solidarity Opening : 6-1 0pm, Thur 10th October Dates : 10 - 12 October, 2024 Location: KEPK Art Gallery @kepk_space ___ Image: Jarod Woods @jarodframed ___ More info to come soon
Pl. de la Sorbonne https://maps.app.goo.gl/eyQEcQPEWKLHPjD86?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 9 October @union.etudiante_ Le ministre appelle les universités à empêcher les mobilisations pour la paix en Palestine et au Liban ! Cette énième dérive autoritaire est gravissime. @patrickhetzel nous ne nous tairons pas ! Retrouvons-nous ce mercredi à 9 octobre devant La Sorbonne pour un rassemblement.
St. Peter's Square https://maps.app.goo.gl/zh9Lfvk523WN3rWV6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 10 October @gmstopthewar SUPPORT OUR TRADE UNIONS AT THIS RALLY JOIN OUR MASS LEAFLETTING OF THE PUBLIC ON THE DAY This Labour government, funded by trade unions, continues to stand by Israel as it pursues its genocide in Gaza and escalates war throughout the region. It is time to step up our action in workplaces around the country to call for an end to that support. Now, the UK’s largest trade union, UNISON have added their support, alongside renewed support from the UCU. We call on all the unions to back our Day’s of Action for Palestine and encourage their members to get active on these issues.
R. da Estação https://maps.app.goo.gl/j5w2hcBrrsVVX46q9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 10 October @cppc_conselhopaz «PALESTINA LIVRE! PAZ NO MÉDIO ORIENTE!» ESPINHO | 10 DE OUTUBRO | 18H | LARGO DA ESTAÇÃO DE ESPINHO A Jornada Nacional de Solidariedade com o povo Palestiniano e pela Paz no Médio Oriente tem início hoje! Dia 10 de outubro realiza-se um acto público em Espinho.
Parkinson Building https://maps.app.goo.gl/f35PwbK8wuKt36k77?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 10 October @leedsstudents4palestine October 10th marks a year since the first ground invasion in the latest genocidal assault on the Palestinian people, by the illegal zionist occupation. The world has seen over 40,000 officially reported dead in Palestine but hundreds of thousands more missing under the rubble. Thousands of Palestinians have been illegally detained in inhumane conditions, stripped of their dignity and basic rights. Over 500 schools have been destroyed, all the Universities in Gaza levelled. Lebanon, for its commitment to Palestinian liberation, has been the recent target of zionist terrorism. A million Lebanese people have been displaced with thousands dead in mere weeks. The IOF continues to conduct massacres due its inability to attain any military objectives, hoping its false victories will delay its eventual defeat. We refuse to remain silent while British institutions remain complicit in this barbaric assault. On October 10, we will honour all the Martyrs of the Liberation Movement by marching for Palestine and Lebanon, expressing our collective anger against the shameless complicity of imperialist Britain. The march will begin at the Parkinson steps, ending at the Leeds Art Gallery where we will join the @leedspsc Vigil to remember our Palestinian and Lebanese martyrs. We will not stop fighting until we see a free Palestine in our lifetime. Victory to the Palestinian Liberation Movement! #freepalestine #studentsforpalestine #alleyesonrafah