Fig and Olive Cafe (4507 West Market St, Greensboro, NC) 19 October #Repost @muslimsforabetternc Join us this Saturday, October 19th, at Fig & Olive Cafe to discuss Richard Becker’s New Edition Palestine, Israel, and the US Empire. Remember to fill out the Google form if you are planning to attend. Link is in the bio! The free audiobook is also linked in the bio. Saturday, October 19 11 AM Fig and Olive Cafe (4507 West Market St, Greensboro, NC) End of Section 2: Recolonizing Palestine and Beginning of Section 3: Israeli Expansion, Palestinian Resistance
les nefs 19 October
Hörsalsparken 19 October #Repost @nkpg.for.palestina Varje lördag! Varje vecka! Varje månad! Varje år! Vi står sida vid sida med den palestinska kampen och med det Libanesiska folket! Tills total befrielse och återvändo! Lördag 19/10 - 13.00 Samling: Hörsalsparken
#Repost @cep.aix Halte aux massacres ! STOP à l’invasion israélienne au Liban ! Samedi 19/10 À 18h Place de la Rotonde Les massacres et l’oppression ne cessent de s’intensifier. Des crimes toujours plus barbares sont commis sous le regard d’une communauté internationale qui se rend complice par son inaction. Ne restons pas passifs face à ces horreurs. Partagez l’info, venez nombreux et ensemble disons : STOP à l’occupation et aux massacres ! La résistance passe par nous !
BRUSSELS NORTH STATION 20 October @tamarod.bxl استمرارا للمشاركات الميدانية ودعما للقضية الفلسطينية والبنانية يعلن جروب تمرد عن المشاركة في هذه المظاهرة ووجود بلوك عنوانه دعم المقاومة المسلحة ، وللمطالبة بوقف تصدير الاسلحة لاسرائيل عبر الموانئ البلجيكية وقطع العلاقات السياسية والاقتصادية للمحتل ، والاعتراف الواضح في الخطاب العام السياسي البلجيكي ان ما يحدث في فلسطين ولبنان ابادة جماعية ، من النهر الي البحر فلسطين ستكون حرة ، عاشت المقاومة المسلحة . ستشارك الجالية المغربية والجالية البنانية والجالية العراقية والجالية المغربية في هذا البلوك English: Continuing with the field activities and in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese cause, the Tamarrud group announces its participation in this demonstration, establishing a block titled "Support for Armed Resistance." The demands include stopping the export of weapons to Israel through Belgian ports and cutting political and economic relations with the occupier. There should be a clear acknowledgment in the Belgian political discourse that what is happening in Palestine and Lebanon constitutes genocide. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Long live armed resistance. The Moroccan community, the Lebanese community, the Iraqi community, and the Moroccan community will participate in this block France: Dans la continuité des actions sur le terrain et en soutien à la cause palestinienne et libanaise, le groupe Tamarrud annonce sa participation à cette manifestation, établissant un bloc intitulé "Soutien à la Résistance Armée". Les revendications incluent l'arrêt de l'exportation d'armes vers Israël via les ports belges et la coupure des relations politiques et économiques avec l'occupant. Il doit y avoir une reconnaissance claire dans le discours politique belge que ce qui se passe en Palestine et au Liban constitue un génocide. De la rivière à la mer, la Palestine sera libre. Vive la résistance armée. The Moroccan community, the Lebanese community, the Iraqi community, and the Moroccan community will participate in this block
United Campus Workers-CWA 20 October @palestineactionandliberation Please join us this Sunday, October 20th at 3pm at the CWA Union Hall on Elm Street. It is deeply important in these times to be building connections with each other and with other compassionate people around us. We are not alone. We have to create and build the community that has been denied to so many for so long. We hope this will be an opportunity to deepen connections with each other and between community members and organizations in the community. We hope to build and strengthen intergenerational relationships and relationships between communities. Through time, trust, love, connection, and education; we are capable of a great deal. The struggle for liberation in Palestine and here at home in the south - in Appalachia - are so deeply connected. This struggle is a long one and will take time and commitment. Please join us and meet other good people around you, in East TN, in Knoxville. Feel free to bring some food to share and please feel welcome even if unable to bring anything. We look forward to seeing you Sunday!
Professor-Huber-Platz 20 October @uniforpalestine_muc TAG DER OFFENEN TÜR AM 20. OKTOBER You want to organize and be part of the pro-Palestine movement, but don't know where to start? Then stop by our Open House Day and get to know the many different organizations currently active in Munich! Each group or organization will be at the camp to tell you about themselves, answer your questions, and help you be a part of the Palestinian cause. Sunday, 20th October starting 12:00 pm Professor-Huber-Platz Everyone curious is welcome to stop by! See you there! ——— The different groups + organizations: @health.not.arms_muc @youth4palestine_muc @waffenderkritik @barrio_olga_benario ——— #FreePalestine #MunichActivism #StandWithPalestine #PalestinianCause #MunichEvents #ActivismMunich #OpenHouseDay #TagDerOffenenTür #PalestinianOrganizations #JusticeForPalestine #PalestinianSolidarity #JusticeForPalestine #CommunityEvent #MünchenEvent
Interbüro 20 October @netzwerkwedding Palästina Café im Wedding, jeden Sonntag von 15 bis 18 Uhr im @interbuero (Genter Straße 60) Das Palästina Café im Wedding ist ein Treffpunkt für Menschen, die sich gemeinsam gegen den Genozid in Palästina und die rassistische Hetze durch Medien und Politik austauschen wollen. „Israel has a right to defend itself“, „They are using human shields“, „Both sides“ and „it’s complicated“ are common phrases hammered in by the bourgeois media apparatus. Those who only watch mainstream media sources will believe Israel is only innocently defending itself. Unpublished however, is the brutal genocide of the palestinian population since more than a year (or rather seven decades), the bloodlust rhetoric of the ultrazionist and fascist israeli government and its according actions by its military. The censoring and smearing of pro-palestinian content however, often starts in the newsrooms. In our next Palestine cafe we are organising a fundraising photo exhibition called „Unpublished“ with journalist Ignacio Rosaslanda. There will be an exhibition of photos, videos of the palestinian protests in Berlin and stories of the repressive treatment of journalists inside German news media rooms, who dare to ask critical questions and speak truth to power. Ignacio’s work depicts the palestinian movement in all its facets, be it in its hopeful and inspiring moments, in its struggle against police violence, or in its grieving moments. This photo exhibition is also a moment to look back at our last year and gain strength from all the successes we achieved to continue our struggle ahead. Come and join us for this next palestine cafe! A wide variety of food will be served, we will show a video of the protest movements and we will have a talk with Ignacio on his and other journalists‘ experience of german state media. Ihr wollt und das @netzwerkwedding kennenlernen, mit uns gemeinsam aktiv werden, kommt vorbei, lasst uns austauschen und vernetzen. Palestine Café in Wedding, every Sunday from 3 to 6 pm at @interbuero
Broadwater Parklands 20 October @goldcoast.forpalestine Come relax and recoup with like-minded individuals. Just bring yourself! Come and craft and snack in the park. We hope to see you this Sunday!
State Hwy 2 20 October @taurangamoana4palestine with our government's failure to take action against !sraels genocide and in creasing war crimes in Gaza, West bank and now Lebanon. Their aggression against Syria, Yemen, and Iran it falls on us to stand up to pressure our government into action and keep Palestine in the hearts & minds of people. come join us as we stand in solidarity with Palestine
Interbüro 20 October @nachonal_geographic Hola! As many of you know, for the past year I have been working as a video journalist for the Berliner Zeitung. But end of September they decided that my work “has not quality enough for them” and decided to fire me. • I think that decision has more to do with the direction that the mainstream German media is taking lately, specially when it comes to talk about Palestine. There is a general fear to speak openly about this topic, and to make critical questions as a journalist has been a challenge. • In response to this I invite you to my exposition of Unpublished works. It’s a photo and video exhibition where I’ll be able to share with you the quality of my work and we will be able to talk openly and critically about the German media landscape. An urgent topic that needs to be addressed. • Join me in this new quest
Kumamoto Castle Park (Ninomaru Hiroba) 20 October @kumamoto.palestine 2024年10月20日(日)14:00-16:00 English follows Japanese 熊本城 二の丸広場 (二の丸券売所そば) くまもとじょう にのまるひろば (にのまる けんばいじょ そば) パレスチナ連帯 凧あげアクション ぱれすちな れんたい たこあげ あくしょん Global Kite Flight in Solidarity with Palestine @kitesinsolidarity とともに私たちも熊本で、正義、レジリエンス、自由のために凧あげをします ※雨天中止 凧(たこ)はいくつか準備(じゅんび)していますが、自分(じぶん)の凧(たこ)があるひとはぜひもってきてください 凧(たこ)をあげない人も、一緒(いっしょ)にパレスチナに連帯(れんたい)をしめしましょう プラカードもおきます いつきても、いつかえっても、自由(じゆう)です はじめてのかた、かんげいします いっしょに声(こえ)をあげて、ジェノサイドをおわらせましょう みなさんのご参加(さんか)をおまちしています 差別(さべつ)・ハラスメントしない こまったとき、こまっているようなひとをみかけたときは、相談(そうだん)けてください 写真(しゃしん)や動画(どうが)を撮影(さつえい)をするときやSNSにのせるときは、相手(あいて)に許可(きょか)をもらうなど、配慮(はいりょ)をおねがいします 情報保障(じょうほうほしょう)の準備(じゅんび)があります。調整(ちょうせい)が必要(ひつよう)なひとは、おしえてください >>>パレスチナのことをはなしつづけよう<<< 今後の予定 こんごのよてい 11月4日(月休)14:00-15:00 スタンディング 11月9日(土)14:00-16:00 パレスチナ連帯凧あげ @kifah2palestine のパレスチナ連帯のための凧あげアクションに参加します Sunday, 20 October 14:00-16:00 Kumamoto Castle Park/Ninomaru Hiroba (Near Ninomaru ticket office) Global Kite Flight in Solidarity with Palestine @kitesinsolidarity We stand for justice, resilience, and freedom from Kumamoto. cancelled in case of rain We have a several kites but you are welcome to bring your own. Together, show your solidarity with Palestine even if you don’t fly kites. There will be some placards too. Come and go as you like. Speak up together to end the genocides. We look forward to seeing you. No tolerance for discrimination and harassment. If you are in trouble or see anyone in trouble, please inform us. Ask people before photographing or filming them. Accessibility: Please let us know if you need any assistance. >>>Keep talking about Palestine<<< Upcoming events Mon 4th Nov 14:00-15:00 Standing action Sat 9th Nov 14:00-16:00 Kite Flying Action for Human rights We join the kite flight action for solidarity with Palestine by @kifah2palestine #kitesinsolidarity #パレスチナ連帯凧揚げ #KifahWithPalestine2024 #standingforceasefireinKumamoto #パレスチナ連帯デモくまもと #ceasefirenow #stopgenocide #freepalestine #freegaza #パレスチナ #ガザ #パレスチナに自由を #熊本 #kumamoto #情報保障をともに #じょうほしょうをともに
Hyde Park 20 October @palestineactiongroup 1pm Sunday 20 Oct Hyde Park north Stop the massacres! Stop the genocide! Hands off Lebanon! Stop arming Israel! Be there!
563 Grand Ave 20 October @gazabaysolidarity We are back at the lake this Saturday! Join us for handmade goods, tatreez, Palestinian made items, and more, with all funds going to stuff you're into.
Gypsy House Cafe 20 October @plants4palestine_ THIS SUNDAY Oct 20th 10am to 2pm At @gypsyhousecafe Plants for Palestine is back with fresh plants, cuttings, henna, face painting, & a terracotta pot painting section! & Gypsy House Cafe is owned by two Lebanese sisters who are Pro-Palestine and will have amazing coffee, tea, food to sell. Come support!!