Bridge House Pharmacy (Nicosia) 24 October #Repost @united.for.palestine.nicosia The north of Gaza has been undergoing the most horrific stage of Genocide! Join us on a snap action against the extermination of the north of Gaza Thursday, October 24th at 17h30 Meeting point: Bridge House pharmacy
Odak Kulturzentrum Wolbecker Str. 1 48155 Münster 24 October #Repost @palaestina_antikolonial Wo: Odak Kulturzentrum (Wolbecker Str. 1, 48155 Münster) Wann: 18 Uhr (english description below) In unseren zweiten Veranstaltung innerhalb der KO-Wochen steht ein besonders spannendes Live-Interview mit einem Genossen aus Tulkarem auf dem Programm. Wir werden die aktuelle Lage in der Westbank allgemein und speziell die Situation in den Widerstandszentren Jenin und Tulkarem beleuchten. Ein besonderes Augenmerk richten wir dabei auf die Rolle der palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde, die einen Teil der Westbank verwaltet. Unser Gast wird uns tiefere Einblicke in den Widerstand gegen die palästinensische Autonomiebehörde sowie die israelische Besatzung gewähren und erläutern, warum diese Aspekte untrennbar miteinander verbunden sind. Nachdem wir unsere Fragen gestellt haben, öffnen wir das Interview für eure Fragen und Diskussionsthemen. Seid dabei! Es wird spannend! Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme und den gemeinsamen Austausch. EN: In our second event of the KO-weeks, we have an exciting live interview up with a comrade from Tulkarem. We will explore the current situation in the West Bank in general, particularly focusing on the resistance hotspots of Jenin and Tulkarem. We will pay special attention to the role of the Palestinian Authority, which administers a segment of the West Bank. Our guest will provide us with deeper insights into the resistance against both the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli occupation, and explain why these aspects are inseparably linked. After posing our questions, we will open the interview to your questions and discussion topics. Join us! It promises to be an engaging session! We look forward to your participation and the exchange of ideas!
Lyttelton Corner of Sutton Quay & Norwich Quay 23 October #Repost @psna_otautahi ZINE FOLDING & FLAG WAVING DATES & LOCATIONS THIS WEEK Bring a flag, a sign or just yourself. Free Palestine
Lyttelton Corner of Sutton Quay & Norwich Quay 23 October #Repost @psna_otautahi ZINE FOLDING & FLAG WAVING DATES & LOCATIONS THIS WEEK Bring a flag, a sign or just yourself. Free Palestine
Turanga library 22 October #Repost @psna_otautahi ZINE FOLDING & FLAG WAVING DATES & LOCATIONS THIS WEEK Bring a flag, a sign or just yourself. Free Palestine
GREAT COURT UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND 23 October #Repost @justiceforpalestine.magandjin 24 hours to go until the BDS National Student Strike for Palestine! Get to the UQ Great Court tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1pm to join UQ Students striking alongside students all over the continent for BDS Youth National Week of Action @uq_msp @students4palestine_uq #bdsmovement #bdsyouth
#Repost @justiceforpalestine.magandjin Gaza is Burning: Protest for Palestine! 25th October, 6pm at Post Office Square. Early on Monday morning the Israeli Occupation bombed a displacement camp in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital courtyard in Deir al-Balah, spreading fires throughout the tents of sleeping families and displaced people. Those seeking shelter in the courtyard of the hospital, many having been displaced countless times over the last 12 months, have again lost everything to a vicious Occupation attack on civilians seeking shelter and medical care. We bear witness to these atrocities on our screens, increasingly aware of the contribution of our country and our government to Israel’s genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people. We are calling on our government to demand a permanent ceasefire, we are calling for a Boycott, Divest and Sanctions NOW! Join us on these stolen lands of the Yuggera and Turrbal people, to call across the seas to the stolen lands of the Palestinian people, FREE PALESTINE! * Please note the venue has changed from KGS to Post Office Square * #BDSMovement #freepalestine #CeaseFireNow @doykeit.magandjin @mumsforpalestine_meanjin @qldmuslims @unionists4palestineqld @shutdownferra @students4palestine_qld @freepalestineaustralia @apan4palestine @mchandlermather @remah4moreton @edtheprogressive @a.h.s.p.a.n @hcwsforpalestine @350magandjin @antipovertyqld @bayside4palestine @icrr.meanjin @meanjinsolidarityfund @rac_qld @sunnycoastforpalestine @disruptwars @bdsinaustralia
MN State Capitol 75 Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd 25 October #Repost @hcw4ptwincities The censoring and banning of Palestinian health education across US hospitals must stop. Minnesota comes together on 10/25 to demand an end to these racist and harmful practices. Our spaces of healing must be protected. Masks required and provided on site.
Maersk office 1266 66TH ST, Emervyil 24 October #Repost @bayareapym BAY AREA: END THE SIEGE ON JABALIA: PEOPLE’S ARMS EMBARGO NOW 1266 66th St, Emeryville CA Thursday October 24th @ 1PM This Thursday, October 24th, we will come together in rage to reject Israel’s annihilation campaign that continues to escalate in Gaza to unprecedented levels. Jabalia, and all of the north of Gaza, is being suffocated before our eyes as the Zionist regime imposes a brutal siege since the past two weeks. As the Zionist entity continues to commit war crimes against our people in Gaza, they are simultaneously attacking Lebanon with indiscriminate bombing. The weapons that are being used to maim and murder our people are shipped from the United States via companies like Maersk and transported through our highways, ports, and airports to occupied Palestine and Lebanon. Since October, Maersk has shipped $300 million worth of weapons and weapons components of the 5 top weapons manufacturers in the world. This money is dripping with the blood of over 200,000 Palestinian martyrs. BAY AREA DEMANDS AN ARMS EMBARGO NOW! Join us for an emergency protest for Gaza and Lebanon on Oct 24th as part of international coordinated days of action against Maersk. The people DEMAND: 1. HANDS OFF GAZA AND LEBANON! 2. LIFT THE SIEGE ON JABALIA! 3. ARMS EMBARGO NOW! 4. MAERSK CUT TIES WITH GENOCIDE! We must rise up, we must mobilize, we must demand an arms embargo and a world free from the horrors of Zionism. Join us in the streets.
Bourse du Travail _19 place Saint Sernin, Toulouse 25 October #Repost @collectif.palestinevaincra Alors que le génocide en Palestine se poursuit depuis un an et qu’Israël intensifie son offensive militaire sur le Liban, soutenir Georges Abdallah c’est soutenir la résistance des peuples palestinien et libanais pour leur droit à vivre libre dans leurs pays. À l’initiative de nombreuses organisations, campagnes et comités de soutien, une large mobilisation est organisée pour exiger la libération de ce communiste libanais emprisonné en France depuis 40 ans. Le Collectif Palestine Vaincra appelle à y participer largement, en particulier en rejoignant ces deux initiatives : Vendredi 25 octobre à 19H Meeting de soutien à Georges Abdallah et aux peuples palestinien et libanais avec la participation de militants palestiniens, d’organisations anti-impérialistes, de Robert Abdallah (frère de Georges Abdallah — en visio), de Jean-Louis Chalanset (avocat de Georges Abdallah — sous réserve), etc. Bourse du Travail (19 place Saint Sernin, Toulouse) – Entrée libre – Petite restauration sur place Samedi 26 octobre à 14H Manifestation à Lannemezan (65) jusqu’à la prison où il est incarcéré. Départ en bus de Toulouse à prix libre, rendez-vous à 11H00 sur le parking de Basso Cambo devant le Quick (métro Basso Cambo – ligne A). Pour s’inscrire, remplissez le formulaire (lien en bio)
US CONSULATE 1134 SAINT-CATHERINE ST W 25 October #Repost @montreal4palestine Montreal is answering the worldwide call to RageForGaza this Friday. As the genocide of the Palestinian people continues, with the extermination and forced displacement of North Gaza, the burning of hospitals, mosques, schools, and people alive, we stand in defiance. This atrocity must end immediately and our complicity must stop. Join us at 5 PM in front of the US Consulate.
In front of the Professional Associations Complex / Shmeisani 22 October #Repost يدعوكم تجمع أردنيات لأجل فلـ•ـسطين ودعم المـ•ـقاومة للمشاركة في وقفة بعنوان "الصمت عن جر•ائم الإبـ•ـادة في شمال غـ•ـزّة خيانة عظمى وشراكة مع الاحتـ•ـلال" وذلك يوم يوم الثلاثاء الموافق ٢٠٢٤/١٠/٢٢ الساعة الخامسة مساءً أمام مجمع النقابات المهنية - شمسياني.. وقفتكم معنا واجب..
Roma, Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti d’America 25 October #Repost @movimentostudentipalestinesi RISPONDIAMO ALL’APPELLO INTERNAZIONALE! #BlocchiamoLeAmbasciate #BlockTheEmbassies Il massacro volge alla soluzione finale: dobbiamo agire, ora, è già tardi! Venerdì, 25 Ottobre 2024 Roma, Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti d’America 18.00 La parte settentrionale di Gaza viene spazzata via mentre scriviamo! Qualsiasi cosa si muova viene rasa al suolo, compresi i civili che tentano di procurarsi acqua e cibo. Secondo il portavoce della Difesa civile a Gaza, le forze israeliane hanno circondato il campo profughi di Jabalia, impedendo a chiunque di andarsene e prendendo di mira i civili ed i team medici che cercano di fornire assistenza. “Le forze di occupazione stanno deliberatamente distruggendo case e infrastrutture per sfollare forzatamente i Palestinesi”, ha riferito il portavoce ad Al Jazeera. Parallelamente, un altro massacro devastante si è verificato sabato mattina nella zona di Beit Lahia, nella parte settentrionale di Gaza, dove almeno 73 Palestinesi sono stati uccisi e decine di altri sono rimasti feriti. La regione è sotto un duro assedio, che minaccia la vita di centinaia di migliaia di residenti. Israele ha tagliato tutte le comunicazioni e i flussi Internet nel nord di Gaza, imponendo un blackout mediatico per nascondere le atrocità che stanno compiendo nella zona. Per questo motivo, in tutto il mondo, ci stiamo coordinando per circondare le ambasciate israeliane e statunitensi! Intendiamo fare pressione sui nostri governi affinché impediscano il protrarsi di questo genocidio contro i Palestinesi. Chiediamo una risposta immediata per fermare tutto ciò! Bisogna smettere di fornire armi e di collaborare con Israele. Smettiamo di essere complici! Abbiamo bisogno di tutti: non volgiamo lo sguardo … #stopgenocide#stopbombinglebanon#freepalestine #israelterrorist#israelapartheidstate#boicottisrael
AUDITORIUM 1, ARTS COUNCIL KARACHI 25 October #Repost @artistsonthefrontline Don’t miss #AndHereIAm at the World Culture Festival #Karachi with @acpkhiofficial Based on the life and performed by @AhmedTobasi, from Jenin Refugee Camp, Palestine, the is a raw and poignant exploration of culture as a form of resistance, blending personal narrative with historical and political context. Written by @baghdadwedding Original Producer Developing Artists Currently produced by @artistsonthefrontline Full credits for production on Developing Artists website Photo Oliver King Duration: 80 minutes Language: Arabic (with English subtitles) Date: October 25, 2024 Time: 08:30 PM Venue: Auditorium 1, Arts Council Karachi Ticket Price: PKR 1000/- Get your tickets from Arts Council Karachi & @ticketwalapk For details contact 0300-0802391 & #WCFK #ACPKHI #ArtsCouncil #WorldCultureFestival
Friends Meeting House Champion Square, Bristol BS2 9DB 25 October #Repost @bristol_leftist_collective Discussion group on ‘intersectionality and the fight for a free Palestine’ this Friday. It’s at the friends meeting house near Cabot circus at 7pm; wheelchair accessible and hybrid. Art by: @bar.kats