Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology 29 August @uniforpalestine_muc Liebe Frend:innen Palästinas, schließt euch uns an um HEUTE gegen Investitionen zu protestieren, die den Völkermord in Gaza unterstützen. Lasst uns gemeinsam ein starkes Zeichen setzen und fordern, dass wirtschaftliche Verbindungen, die Menschenrechtsverletzungen ermöglichen, beendet werden. Donnerstag, den 29.08.24 um 13.45 Uhr beim Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie. Deine Handlung zählt ! _ Free Palestine Dear friends of Palestine, join us to protest TODAY against investments that support the genocide in Gaza. Let’s send a strong signal together and demand an end to economic ties that enable human rights violations.ex Thursday, 29.08.24 at 13.45 at the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy. Your action counts ! Free Palestine
المسجد القديم فال فلوري 30 August @nosra_tanger #طنجة برنامج الوقفات المسجدية لجمعة طوفان الأقصى 47 تحت شعار: "لأجل غزة والضفة" يوم الجمعة 30 غشت 2024 . بعد صلاة الجمعة مسجد السلام 4 بحي حومة الحداد . مسجد داوود بحي طنجة البالية . مسجد سي عبد القادر بحي فال فلوري . مسجد أبو عبيدة بحي بنكيران .
Mosquée Daoud 30 August @nosra_tanger #طنجة برنامج الوقفات المسجدية لجمعة طوفان الأقصى 47 تحت شعار: "لأجل غزة والضفة" يوم الجمعة 30 غشت 2024 . بعد صلاة الجمعة مسجد السلام 4 بحي حومة الحداد . مسجد داوود بحي طنجة البالية . مسجد سي عبد القادر بحي فال فلوري . مسجد أبو عبيدة بحي بنكيران
مسجد السلام 30 August @nosra_tanger #طنجة برنامج الوقفات المسجدية لجمعة طوفان الأقصى 47 تحت شعار: "لأجل غزة والضفة" يوم الجمعة 30 غشت 2024 . بعد صلاة الجمعة مسجد السلام 4 بحي حومة الحداد . مسجد داوود بحي طنجة البالية . مسجد سي عبد القادر بحي فال فلوري . مسجد أبو عبيدة بحي بنكيران .
@nwchi_pali_action We have a very special program to share with you: Anti-Zionist Jews: Not In Our Names / Jews Against Genocide This compelling 1-1.5 hour seminar (~1 hr of speaking, and then ~30 min of questions at the end) is designed to illuminate the personal journeys of several anti-zionist Jews who stand against genocide and apartheid in the Palestine. This program will feature distinguished speakers, each sharing their unique experiences and the ways in which their upbringing and personal identities have driven them to advocate against genocide and apartheid. By exploring their backgrounds and experiences, the speakers will offer their perspectives on how their early life experiences, cultural contexts, and personal convictions have shaped their commitment to justice and equality. This program aims to humanize the struggle against apartheid, emphasizing the deeply personal and emotional dimensions of activism, which often transcend mere political or ideological stances. This initiative not only seeks to educate the audience about the realities of Zionism and apartheid in Palestine, but also to inspire them to consider their own roles in promoting justice and equality in their communities. This is our 4th installment of the program and we hope to see you there! In collaboration with the @chicagobund Please wear a mask.
Embassy of Israel 28 August @bds_jordan *الضفة خط أحمر* *الضفة خط أحمر* أمام ما يجري بالضفة الغربية من حرب حقيقية غير مسبوقة بدأ فيها العدو الصهيوني بتنفيذ خطته لتهجير القرى والمخيمات ، وبما يترتب على ذلك من أخطار وجودية على الأردن ، فإن الملتقى الوطني لدعم المقاومة بجميع أطره يهيب بأحرار الشعب الأردني بالخروج والمشاركة في : *محيط سفارة العدو الصهيوني* *اليوم اليوم* 2024/08/28 الساعة 8.00م
Victorian Trades Hall Council 27 August @freepalestinecoalition.naarm UPDATE Palestine contingent for CFMEU solidarity is meeting at 8 hour monument. Rally has been relocated to begin at Trades Hall. Defend the CFMEU 11am Tuesday (tomorrow)
Republic Square 31 August @afps59.62 Manifestation ce samedi à Lille ! Rejoignez-nous le samedi 31 août à 14h à la Place de la République à Lille pour exprimer notre solidarité avec le peuple palestinien. Ensemble, nous dénonçons le génocide et demandons un cessez-le-feu immédiat et permanent, la levée du blocus illégal sur les territoires palestiniens, ainsi que l’entrée immédiate de l’aide humanitaire. Des interventions poignantes auront lieu, notamment celles d’Imane, infirmière humanitaire à Gaza, et de Khadija, des Blouses Blanches pour Gaza. Venez nombreux pour soutenir cette cause juste et faire entendre votre voix. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence ! #Palestine #Solidarité #Lille #Manifestation #CessezLeFeu #Humanitaire #Gaza
Dundee Central Mosque 31 August @scottish_psc This Saturday our weekly demo in Dundee will begin with a march from the Central Mosque to McManus Galleries. Let us mobilize and make it the largest one yet. Let us make sure our Palestinian brothers and sisters know that we have not forgotten them and we will continue to raise our voices for them. Gaza Gaza don't you cry, we will never let you die!
Porte d'Aix 1 September @urgencepalestine.marseille Soutien du peuple palestinien: ce dimanche 1er septembre à 15h, MANIFESTATION à la Porte d’Aix ! Il est temps de faire éclater notre rage contre l’oppression insupportable infligée au peuple palestinien ! Nous ne tolérerons plus le silence complice et la lâcheté face au sionisme colonialiste qui écrase et anéantit, jour après jour, des vies innocentes. Nous exigeons l’arrêt immédiat de l’épuration ethnique qui souille les territoires palestiniens ! Nous dénonçons sans concessions les complices de ce crime, ceux qui détournent le regard et soutiennent cette barbarie. Ce dimanche, faisons trembler la terre sous nos pas, crions notre dégoût face à cette inhumanité ! Nous ne nous tairons plus ! Ensemble, unissons nos voix contre l’injustice, pour la liberté et la dignité du peuple palestinien !
مسجد النور 29 August @nusratalaqsa تدعوكم هيئة نصرة الأقصى في لبنان بالتعاون مع نادي الفتيان للعلم والإيمان إلى نشاط "أجيال الطوفـ ان" للأطفال الزمان: يوم الخميس ٢٩/٨/٢٠٢٤ المكان: في قاعة مسجد النور-بطرماز يتضمن النشاط العديد من الفعاليات للمشاركين يسرنا حضوركم . ملاحظة : سيتم جمع التبرعات قي نهاية النشاط لأهلنا في غزّه
Porte d'Aix 29 August @urgencepalestine.marseille Marseillaises, Marseillais, Le drapeau de la liberté arrive dans notre ville après avoir traversé de nombreuses étape tel que Paris Nice bastia Ajaccio …. Porté par des Palestiniens en symbole de lutte, de justice et de solidarité. Soyons nombreux et nombreuses à l’accueillir avec force et détermination ce jeudi 29 août à 18h à la Porte d’Aix. Montrons que Marseille, ville de résistance et de diversité, soutient le peuple palestinien dans sa quête de liberté et de justice. Ensemble, levons-nous pour défendre les valeurs universelles de justice ! Rendez-vous à la Porte d’Aix. Marseille se tient debout. Pour la liberté. Pour la justice.
Sproul Hall 29 August @ucb.sjp URGENT CALL TO ACTION It has been nearly a year since the genocide in Gaza has begun. Over 186,000 have been murdered by the Zionist entity, hundreds of thousands more injured, displaced, and starved. And yet, UC Berkeley continues its attempts to censor, pacify, and antagonize pro-Palestinian voices on campus, use our tuition money to fund this genocide, and refuse to divest from weapons manufacturers. Join us and show out at Sproul Hall this Thursday at 2pm to remind admin that we will not return to this upcoming school year and go about business as usual when there is no new school year in Gaza and when all universities in Gaza have been destroyed by the Zionist regime. Furthermore, we will not be intimidated or silenced by the ridiculous infringements on our freedoms and rights.
Regent's Park 29 August @forgottenwomen Family Walk for Gaza Join us for a heartfelt stroll & fun treasure hunt at Regent’s Park on August 29! Instill compassion in your children while fundraising for Gaza. Date: Aug 29 Time: 2 - 6:30pm Regent’s Park, London Walk Length: 1.5 miles Contact: Nadia 07909510066 #fundraiser #gaza #familyevent #regentspark
Disgraça 31 August @libertacaopalestina ~ In depth info below and in comments ~ Solidarity Fundraiser event Screenprinting, cantina & short film screening @a.disgraca Sat., Aug 31, from 15h Lebanese cantina from 20h Short films at 21h Shirts can be printed in person with us or pre-ordered for pick up in Lisbon or shipping worldwide. Please pre-order your shirt using the online form: (link in bio of @a.disgraca ) - Minimum donations - 15€ to buy/print a 10€ to print on your own item 5€ to ship in 12€ to ship Cantina 3.50€ Proceeds will go to ‘Seed of Hope” in Gaza and the ELSC. (more info below) ——— We are raising funds to support Palestinians doing work on the ground in Gaza and advocates for Palestinian voices resisting in the diaspora. We will be hosting an in person event in Disgraça, Lisbon, in order to visibilize our support for the liberation of Palestine and bring people together through art, conversation and food. Come and join our screen printing workshop and print designs on shirts with us. If you’re not able to join us in person - the shirts are also available for pick up in Lisbon or can be sent via mail. You can participate in the event without registering upfront, though, as the number of shirts available is limited, please use the Google form in order to save yours. The same goes for if you can’t attend and want to pick up your shirts in Lisbon or want them to be shipped. Prices are donation based, but we request a minimum of 15€ per shirt. The more you are able to give the more we can donate to the causes. You will also be able to print on your own items at the event for a small donation fee. Please consider that the designs will mainly work on brighter or white backgrounds. So go and rummage through your closet :) Besides printing shirts we are going to come together to share a meal. Our friend Ibrahim will spoil us with Lebanese cuisine from 20h onwards. Two short films will be shown at 21h: Gaza.mp4, 2024, 18’, by Mohannad El-Masri, Diaa Lagan & Fuad Halwani Roof Knocking, 2017, 12’ by Sina Salimi We are working together with Fuad, one of the filmmakers, who will also be present at the event.