5443 TELEGRAPH AVE https://maps.app.goo.gl/eKPqewinMEVYrJCb6 7 September #Repost @gazabaysolidarity Sept 7, 12-3pm join us at @jerusalemcoffeehouse and pick up gorgeous ceramic pieces from the amazing @gracie_no ! . . . DM if you'd like to donate items for the Bazaar or be a vendor!
Rautatientori https://maps.app.goo.gl/xKSMcSBxVpGjVQ6M9 7 September #Repost @sumud.fi Gazan yliopistot tuhottu! Koulutus on ihmisoikeus - Mielenosoitusmarssi Lähtö: Rautatientori, Helsinki Lauantaina 7.9. klo 15-17 Suomi panostaa koulutukseen ja ymmärtää sen arvon yhteiskunnalle: Suomessa on 13 yliopistoa ja yli 300 tuhatta korkeakouluopiskelijaa. Koulutus on ollut arvokkain investointi palestiinalaisperheille. Gazassa oli 12 yliopistoa ja muuta korkeakoulua. Israel on tuhonnut jokaisen Gazan yliopiston raunioiksi viime lokakuun 2023 jälkeen. Israelin armeija on myös systemaattisesti murhannut lähes 100 dekaania ja professoria. Israel kohdistaa tuhonsa perus- ja ihmisoikeuteen koulutuksesta! Järjestäjät/organisers: @sumud.fi, @palcif48, @icahdfinland, @akys_yhdistys ja @suomen_rauhanpuolustajat ENG Gaza Universities Destroyed! Education is a human right - Demonstration march Starting from the Railway Square, Helsinki Saturday 7th of September at 3-5 PM Finland invests in education and understands its value to society: it has 13 universities and more than 300 thousand students in higher education. Education has been the most valuable investment for Palestinian families. Gaza had 12 universities and other higher education institutions. Since last October 2023 Israeli Occupying Forces have reduced every single university of Gaza to rubble. They have also systematically pursued and killed almost 100 deans and professors. Israeli forces are targeting one of the basic human right to education and committing scholasticide in Gaza.
STATEN ISLAND BOROUGH HALL https://maps.app.goo.gl/FfmenN4JnMbXfUP2A 7 September #Repost @nycpsl This September 7 will mark eleven months of ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people at the hands of the zionist forces. We will not let this day pass without honoring our martyrs and continuing our struggle towards Palestinian liberation! Join us in Staten Island for a march and vigil: Saturday, September 7 3pm Staten Island Borough Hall
NYE BEVAN STATUE https://maps.app.goo.gl/hBpNr1HcW2Qfhepa8 7 September #Repost @blmcardiff This coming week, many children around the world will be returning to school. That is not the case for the children of Gaza, whose schools and places of education have been the target of scholasticide, the intended mass destruction of education. As of June 2024, 80% of schools in Gaza have been destroyed or damaged by Israeli fire. Would you want your child, would you want your relative or friend, be barred from education because a bomb was dropped on their school? If not, stand up and be counted! Join our demonstration this Saturday outside Nye Bevan at 1PM. CHILDREN ARE NOT TARGETS! EDUCATION IS NOT A TARGET!
US CONSULATE 1134 ST-CATHERINE W https://maps.app.goo.gl/K84cac3N4WU9gbdD8 7 September #Repost @pymmontreal MONTREAL: 11 MONTHS OF GENOCIDE Join us this Saturday, Sept. 7 in front of the US Consulate (1134 St-Catherine W) to protest 11 months of aggression, massacres, and genocide perpetrated against our people in Gaza and the West Bank. After almost one year of witnessing these atrocities, we refuse to normalize this genocide. We refuse to stay silent while our government remains complicit in the terrorist Zionist regime’s war crimes. Glory to Gaza and to its resistance, embodying our duty in the face of oppression. ••• MONTRÉAL : 11 MOIS DE GÉNOCIDE Rejoignez-nous ce samedi 7 septembre devant le consulat américain (1134 St-Catherine O) pour protester contre 11 mois d’agressions, de massacres et de génocide perpétrés contre notre peuple à Gaza et en Cisjordanie. Depuis près d’un an, nous assistons à ces atrocités. Nous refusons de normaliser ce génocide et de rester silencieux alors que notre gouvernement est complice du régime terroriste sioniste. Gloire à Gaza et à sa résistance, une résistance qui incarne notre devoir face à l’oppression.
CuevaRock Live https://maps.app.goo.gl/H3nRVMsmjxU3xpeb9 7 September #Repost @sardegna.palestina Sabato 7 Settembre al Queva Rock!
Helvetiaplatz https://maps.app.goo.gl/8rJNL3Cr9fp5VqRz9 7 September #Repost @palestinecommitteezurich Kommt alle am Samstag, 7.9.2024, 15 Uhr, zum Ni Una Menos-Platz! (ehem. Helvetiaplatz) Zürich! Zusammen demonstrieren wir gegen den laufenden BARBARISCHEN, BRUTALEN, GRAUSAMEN UND SCHRECKLICHEN GENOZID am palästinensischen Volk durch das ZIONISTISCHE TERRORREGIME. Sein unmenschlicher Vernichtungskrieg kennt keine Grenzen. Mehr als 70’000 Tonnen an Bomben auf Gaza! Mehr als 40’000 ermordet, davon mehr als 16’500 Kinder, mehr als 11’000 Frauen! Mehr als 160 Journalisten ermordet! Mehr als 93’000 verletzt! Zehntausende immer noch unter den Trümmer! Mehr als zehntausend palästinensische politische Gefangene in den zionistischen Gefängnissen und Gefangenenlager unter unmenschlichen Haftbedingungen! Mehr als 600’000 Kinder leiden an akuter Unterernährung, darunter 120’000 Kinder schwer unterernährt! Mehr als 640’000 Kinder können nicht gegen Kinderlähmung ( Polio ) geimpft werden! STOP THE ONGOING GENOCIDE IN GAZA! TOGETHER AGAINST ZIONIST TERRORISM! FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE! HOCH DIE INTERNATIONALE SOLIDARITÄT!
Bankstown Sports Club Theatre Dharug Country https://maps.app.goo.gl/xZd4kmWxJzYRrZFW6 7 September #Repost @talesofahomeland We are T-3 days away from the debut of our newest production; ‘Gaza Press’ Bring your hearts along as we aim to take you on a journey of 1000 Gazan nights Culture, history, heritage, love, pain and the unrelenting resilience in the determination for liberation Saturday 7th of September 5:30 pm Bankstown Sports Club Theatre Long Live Gaza We are selling out! Purchase your tickets now via the link in our bio. *Gaza Press is a fundraising event. We’re partnering with @panzma__ to raise funds for community projects and medical missions.
Em frente à Câmara Municipal do Porto https://maps.app.goo.gl/CTi6uGSTDxhxDHp57 7 September #Repost @libertacaopalestina Vigília pela Palestina: 11 meses de genocídio! No próximo sábado, dia 7 de setembro, junta-te a nós às 21h nos Aliados em frente à CM do Porto. Entre as 21:30 e as 22:00 faremos 30 minutos de silêncio em memória des mártires deste genocídio - traz uma vela e amigues! A vigília diária continua nos restantes dias. // Vigil for Palestine: 11 months of genocide! Next Saturday, September 7th, join us at 9pm at Aliados in front of Porto municipality! Between 9:30 pm and 10:00 pm we will do 30 minutes of silence in memory of the martyrs of this genocide - bring a candle and friends! The daily vigil continues on the remaining days.
Den Røde Plads https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZAs2phsUAAN3ba876 7 September #Repost @kuffiyeh.dk Rolling For Palestine Lørdag d. 07.09.24 kl 14-17 afholder Kuffiyeh en rullende demo for ALLE - Rolling For Palestine Et stærkt nationalt symbol på, at vi ønsker FRED. Det bliver et event igennem byen, som du IKKE vil gå glip af. Vi starter og slutter på Den Røde Plads. Tag familie, venner og bekendte med! Vi ses
401-581 E Roosevelt Rd, Lombard, IL 60148 https://maps.app.goo.gl/avGgaqChUubNFFR87 7 September #Repost @amcivic Exotic Cars Charity Event Date:Saturday, September 7 Time:11 AM - 3 PM Location:401-581 E Roosevelt Rd, Lombard, IL 60148-4642 Entry Fee:** $10 (All profits go to HEAL Palestine) Enjoy: - Photo Ops - Goodie Bags - Raffle Entry Show off your exotic car or just come and admire these beauties while supporting a great cause. Register your car today and be part of the excitement! #ExoticCars #CharityEvent #HEALPalestine #CarShow #palestine
GEORGE SQUARE https://maps.app.goo.gl/EZbu8gq6KqAUPdQS8 7 September #Repost @ggecscot ALL racism off our streets! The racist attacks on migrants by the far-right, fuelled by our dog-whistling politicians and media, is the same racism being used to normalise the genocide of Palestinians. Zionism is also racism. Help make Glasgow a city that supports refugees, displaced Palestinians, and all those suffering the impacts of Western imperialist wars. Come defend our Square, send a message that we will not be divided, and that we stand united with ALL oppressed peoples. Gather George Square Palestine bloc Saturday September 7 11am Bring flags, banners and all things Palestinian @e.ggec
SERGELS TORG https://maps.app.goo.gl/4vR8wWeM6tiMLCxE9 8 September #Repost @stoppa.israel Stoppa Israel för fred och ett fritt Palestina!
Odenplan https://maps.app.goo.gl/4FH2KsFcUfJYt5Ue7 7 September #Repost @stoppa.israel Stoppa Israel för fred och ett fritt Palestina!
OPLATZ DER KULTUREN (HAUPTBAHNHOF) https://maps.app.goo.gl/3Loiq95SKfYKiBjo8 7 September #Repost @_together4palestine Hunger, Leid und Elend herrschen über Gaza. Tag für Tag werden mehr Menschen ermordet, während die Welt weiterhin tatenlos zusieht. Massengräber gefunden, Kinder traumatisiert und der Westen schaut weiterhin zu. Weiterhin erklärt man Menschen, wieso ein Genozid nicht zu entschuldigen. Seit fast einem Jahr stehen wir wöchentlich in Wiens Straßen und auch jetzt hören wir NICHT auf. Deshalb stehen wir gemeinsam am 07.09.2024 um 15:00 am Platz der Kulturen (Hauptbahnhof), um ein Zeichen der Menschlichkeit und Solidarität zu setzen. Es ist an der Zeit, den österreichischen Politikerinnen und Politikern zu sagen: Das Volk steht mit Palästina!