Fra Rådhuspladsen til Udenrigsministeriet 12 October #Repost @stopannekteringen Tak for alle der kom til Alle På Gaden for Palæstina initiativets (APG) stordemonstration d. 05 oktober! Vi håber mange til APGs demonstration på lørdag. Stop Annekteringen/ Internationalt Forums Palæstina gruppe er med i initiativet APG.
Hovrättstorget 12 October #Repost
EM FRENTE AO TRIBUNAL 11 October #Repost @cppc_conselhopaz «PALESTINA LIVRE! PAZ NO MÉDIO ORIENTE!» CASTELO BRANCO | 11 DE OUTUBRO | 17H | EM FRENTE AO TRIBUNAL A Jornada Nacional de Solidariedade com o povo Palestiniano e pela Paz no Médio Oriente terá início no dia 2 de outubro. Dia 11 de outubro realiza-se uma pintura colectiva pela Palestina, em Castelo Branco, em frente do tribunal! Junta-te a nós!
Club Palestino, Av Kennedy 9351, Las Condes 11 October #Repost @hijos_de_beitjala Cena Hijos de Beit Jala ¡Atención familia! Les invitamos a nuestra Cena padre e hijos de Beit Jala el próximo 11 de octubre. Este evento es para apoyar a nuestro querido pueblo, nuestra gente y a nuestros hermanos que siguen construyendo patria en Beit Jala. ¡Todo lo recaudado irá en beneficio de instituciones que preservan nuestras raíces, la educación y la resistencia! Este año la situación en Palestina es más difícil que nunca, y necesitamos estar más unidos que nunca. ¡Tu apoyo es clave! Fecha: Viernes 11 de octubre Lugar: Club Palestino (Av. Kennedy 9351, Las Condes) Hora: 20:30 horas Entradas: Compra la tuya escaneando el QR de la imagen o en el enlace alojado en nuestra bio, si puedes, haz una donación extra para seguir apoyando los proyectos de nuestras organizaciones. Evento exclusivo para mayores de 18 años. ¡Te esperamos!
Jardim Manuel Bivar 11 October #Repost @cppc_conselhopaz «PALESTINA LIVRE! PAZ NO MÉDIO ORIENTE!» FARO | 11 DE OUTUBRO | 18H | JARDIM MANUEL BÍVAR A Jornada Nacional de Solidariedade com o povo Palestiniano e pela Paz no Médio Oriente terá início no dia 2 de outubro. Dia 11 de outubro realiza-se um acto público em Faro no Jardim Manuel Bívar. Junta-te a nós! Conhece e subscreve o apelo:
Thompson Hall Lawn 10 October @psc_unh JOIN US THIS THURSDAY AT UNH TO DEMAND DIVESTMENT Thompson Hall Lawn, UNH Durham Thursday, October 10th 4:30 pm Join us for a rally + die-in at 4:30 pm on Thompson hall Lawn as we continue the Week of Rage. Wear red, bring signs, and symbolically die-in on campus to refuse complicity. Wear masks and bloc up if you can. One year of genocide. One year of lives destroyed, children martyred, and entire cities leveled. One year of the entire world turning the other cheek to the incredible suffering that they see on their screens. One year of Israel’s military colonizing land that was never theirs and uprooting entire families. After one year of indescribable horrors, we feel grief and rage! The world has demonstrated time and time again that they are willing to allow the dehumanization, starvation, and decimation of the Palestinian people. Now more than ever is it imperative that we come together as a community to refuse this narrative. UNH has shown that investing + financially gaining off of genocide is a permissible practice as long as it makes the University profits. Show our administration that their money is BLOOD MONEY and has real world consequences. We will not stop, we will not rest, UNH Divest! Long live the student intifada! Our demands continue to remain as such: • We call for an immediate divestment from weapon manufacturers and corporations complicit in supplying arms to Isarel and profiting from the genocide in Gaza. • We call for immediate divestment from Israeli corporations that are continuing to benefit from the genocide and apartheid in occupied Palestine. • We demand accountability from UNH administration that have turned a blind eye to genocide and apartheid, and the rights of their students to protest. • We demand UNH cut ties with weapon manufacturers and stand in solidarity with an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Please get in touch if your org would like to co-sponsor.
Bridge of Remembrance 11 October @psna_otautahi FLAG WAVING DATES & LOCATIONS THIS WEEK Bring a flag, a sign or just yourself. Free Palestine
Oxford St & State Hwy 74 9 October @psna_otautahi FLAG WAVING DATES & LOCATIONS THIS WEEK Bring a flag, a sign or just yourself. Free Palestine
Saint-Denis 11 October @palestine_saint_denis Vendredi 11 octobre on remet ça!! Venez nombreux et nombreuses. Pour la Palestine et pour le Liban, pour la fin du génocide et de l'occupation en Palestine!
C. de Pedro Rubin de Celis, 15 11 October @anticapi_madrid El próximo viernes en Pinto tenemos una oportunidad para conocer de cerca este texto de Joseph Daher que nos da un visión profunda desde el marxismo de la cuestión palestina y nos da herramientas útiles para seguir construyendo la solidaridad con la lucha del pueblo palestino.
USACH 9 October @comite.palestinausach Compañerxs les invitamos a participar de la creación de lienzos y consignas en solidaridad con los pueblos oprimidos por el intervencionismo occidental. Como comité reafirmamos nuestro compromiso antiimperialista y apoyo a la liberación, autodeterminación y autonomía de Wallmapu y el pueblo Palestino USACH FORO MIÉRCOLES 9 de oct. horario protegido 11:25hrs Nos vemos
Old Santa Fe Trail & Paseo De Peralta 9 October @sfe_adhoc_palestine Weekly street-corner action at Paseo de Peralta & Old Santa Fe Trail, corner nearest the Roundhouse. Wednesdays 12-1pm. Arms embargo now! End the genocide! Free Palestine! End the siege of Lebanon!
Pl. de la Sorbonne 9 October @comitepalestinesorbonnep4 Mercredi 9 octobre 18h Place de La Sorbonne
University of Los Lagos 10 October @ulagosstgo “MIRAR-NOS CON PALESTINA: CICLO DE CINE Y CONVERSATORIO” Farha. Darin Sallam, 2021 El jueves 10 de octubre comenzamos en la @ulagosstgo el ciclo de cine y conversatorios “Mirar-nos con Palestina”, con el filme “Farha” (2021) de la cineasta jordana de origen palestino Darin Sallam, protagonizada por Karam Taher. . "Farha" relata la “Nakba” desde el punto de vista de una adolescente palestina que se encierra en un cobertizo durante horas para escapar de la violencia en las calles. La Nakba es el momento histórico en el que miles de árabes fueron expulsados de su tierra por el Estado de Israel (1948) y cuyo conflicto dura hasta nuestros días. . Invitada especial: Vera Baboun, Embajadora del Estado de Palestina en Chile. 19:00 hrs. República 517 Barrio Universitario @periodistasporpalestina @porpalestinacl @emanuelegerosa
Student Union 11 October @sjsuabsa Lebanon Fundraiser: A Night of Awareness and Resistance RSVP in Bio! We invite you to an eye-opening event that delves into the role of media deception and the strength of the people’s resistance in Lebanon. Join Dr. Hesam Rahmani, PhD in Political Science, as he uncovers the truth behind the media’s influence on public perception and the unwavering resilience of the Lebanese people in the face of adversity. This is more than just a discussion—it’s a call for solidarity and action. Together, we can help amplify the voices of those who continue to fight for justice and freedom. What role does the media play in shaping narratives of conflict? How can we support the resistance against these false portrayals? Don’t miss this chance to engage in meaningful dialogue and be part of a global movement for truth. RSVP now and spread the word! Your presence makes a difference. Let’s unite and show our support for Lebanon. Friday, October 11 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Meeting Room 1A