HILLYARD STUDIO 4110 N COOK ST https://maps.app.goo.gl/NRWoHKVDVMkTvM2G7 30 October #Repost @pslspokane JOIN US WEDNESDAY FOR AN ART BUILD Come to the Hillyard Library Studio from 5:00-7:00 PM on Wednesday for banner painting and sign building for the November 2nd, No Votes For Genocide action! This is a great opportunity to get connected with the local movement for Palestine and to help prepare for Saturday’s action. #FreePalestine #NoVotesForGenocide #EndCapitalismBeforeItEndsUs #HandsOffLebanon #HandsOffIran #HandsOffYemen #usoutofthemiddleeast
Lange Voorhout 10 2514 ED, The Hague https://maps.app.goo.gl/ohB9r2A1RNHTfefv5 1 November #Repost @p.g.n.l No to the Balfour Declaration, No to British complicity Protest and Brief Submission at the British Embassy Friday, 1 November 2024 11:00 - 13:00 Lange Voorhout 10, 2514 ED, The Hague
hadiqat shabuwt - hayu aljamiea https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZuqtoGZHTLtKgPzF8 1 November #Repost @alsooq_alkairy مرت سنة على انطلاق السوق الخيري وكان الهدف ولازال لدعم اهل غَزَّة، بتذكير الناس بضروفهم وتوعية بالمقاطعة و إرجاع مركزية المسجد الأقصى. يرجع السوق الخيري بنشاطات و بازار يوم الجمعة القادمة 1/11/2024 في حي الجامعة - حديقة شبوط الساعة الرابعة مساء ... ننتظركم للمشاركة و حجز الطاولات أملأ الإستمارة المثبتة بالبايو #السوق_الخيري #بازار #الجمعة #حي_الجامعة #طوفان_الرافدين_يتحد_مع_طوفان_الاقصى
Union Terrace Gardens https://maps.app.goo.gl/i6aB2jUjxou6bDD58?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 31 August @scottish_psc PALESTINE IN THE PARK Saturday 31st August 12PM - 3PM Union Terrace Gardens, Aberdeen Come join us at Union Terrace Gardens, from 12pm to 3pm on Saturday 31st August, for our family friendly Palestine in the Park event! We will have some Palestinian music to dance to and food for you to taste, though please feel free to take along your own snacks and refreshments. Also we will host talks and crafts for people to get involved in! We will be fundraising for the Plant a Tree in Palestine campaign, which has been continuing to respond to state-backed settler violence against Palestinians, particularly in the West Bank. Donations are welcome on the day. If you have any queries, or want to get involved, you can reach us on [email protected] or drop us a message on Facebook. Viva viva! #FreePalestine #PalestineSolidarity #ScotlandWithPalestine
The Angel of Independence https://maps.app.goo.gl/d8NgKoY7tBj8wFem9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 31 August @proyecto.nakba @mexico_palestina Marchemos juntxs, vayamos juntxs por una Palestina libre.
Pearson Park https://maps.app.goo.gl/NdBHxw8oGKdzUmUGA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 31 August @game.on.for.palestine_ Join us on August 31st for an action-packed football tournament at our fundraiser! Whether you’re playing or cheering, come be a part of the excitement and help us make a difference. #Fundraiser #FootballTournament #CommunityImpact #palestine #gaza #gazagenocide
Kyobo Book Centre Gwanghwamun https://maps.app.goo.gl/TBRXgZid24nzwUtL8?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 31 August
3685 LADSON RD LADSON, SC https://maps.app.goo.gl/YxZbhxaTBg32UMyz8 1 November #Repost @freepalestinechs There's nothing more haunting than a weapons manufacturer lurking in your neighborhood. The Elbit Systems in Ladson manufactures Howitzer cannons, which are used for white phosphorous and other illegal weapons to genocide Gaza and Lebanon. Help us #ShutElbitDown! #ElbitOutofSC
Arlene Francis Center for Spirit, Art, and Politics https://maps.app.goo.gl/n2v4q7h9Mbmi74TC6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 29 August @sonomacountyforpalestine This month Sonoma County for Palestine and Arlene Francis Center are hosting an art build with legendary David Solnit, in support of the SSU Students for Justice in Palestine! We will be learning, wheat-pasting, painting, building, and sharing a meal in our usual style! Come dressed to get messy! Bring supplies if you got them but not necessary! We will be making banners, stickers, patches, posters and the like! DM if you have supplies to contribute! $10-15 suggested at the door and kids welcome!
De Wittenstraat 25 https://maps.app.goo.gl/uwLrwDzVLz8BFQjCA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 28 August @vuforpalestine Fundraiser for Palestine Join us on the 28th of August 17:00-22:00 at De Wittenstraat 25! There will be guest speakers, food and drinks, a clothing market, a tattoo artist, henna and art cash only The proceeds will go to Anera
Restaurante Al Janiah https://maps.app.goo.gl/m9og2ZGiZNkN1xYx7?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 29 August @vozesjudaicasporlibertacao COLETIVO VOZES JUDAICAS POR LIBERTAÇÃO e CINECLUBE AL ARD se juntam para promover a exibição do filme Israelism 29/8 — Israelism (2023), 84’ Israelism examina uma geração mais jovem de judeus americanos que questionam a sua relação com Israel e o que foram ensinados a acreditar desde o nascimento. O filme acompanha Simone Zimmerman e Eitan, que ficaram desiludidos com o Estado israelita depois de testemunharem a violência infligida aos territórios palestinos. Os dois jovens americanos, que foram criados para amar incondicionalmente Israel, lutam contra o establishment para criar um novo movimento que se opõe à ocupação da Palestina e que recentraliza o judaísmo em si mesmo. Estados Unidos da América Direção: Eric Axelman e Sam Eilertsen Após a sessão haverá debate com integrantes do coletivo VJL. Al Janiah – Rua Rui Barbosa, 269, Bixiga, São Paulo.
Markt https://maps.app.goo.gl/kSgTXcXhq9oYeE2YA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 29 August @goudaforpalestine Op donderdag 29 augustus vindt er een belangrijke demonstratie plaats ter ondersteuning van kinderen die slachtoffer zijn van genocide. De bijeenkomst is bedoeld om bewustzijn te creëren rondom de schrijnende omstandigheden waarin deze kinderen verkeren en om een oproep te doen tot internationale actie en hulp. Verschillende organisaties en activisten zullen samenkomen om hun stem te laten horen en te pleiten voor de bescherming en rechten van deze kwetsbare groep. Het is een gelegenheid voor de gemeenschap om solidariteit te tonen en te vechten voor een wereld waar geen enkel kind hoeft te lijden onder de gruwelen van genocide. Er zullen verschillende sprekers zijn zoals @asmaedeschrijver die haar prachtige spokenwords met ons zal delen.Jouw deelname kan een verschil maken en bijdragen aan een betere toekomst voor deze kinderen. #palestine #congo #sudan #westpapua #freedom #protectkids #thechildrenoftheworld #awladi #likefollowshare
Abuzar Ghaffari Mosque https://maps.app.goo.gl/w7kMoYzsYai4grGp7 29 August Repost @nusratalaqsa.bekaa تستكمل هيئة نصرة الأقصى في البقاع سلسلة “أجيال الطّوفـ ـان”، فتدعوكم بالتعاون مع اللجنة النسائيّة في الصّويرة للمشاركة في نشاطها التثقيفيّ التّوعويّ. الصّويرة، مصلّى مسجد “أبو ذرٍّ الغفاريّ” يوم الأربعاء ٢٨ آب ٢٠٢٤م في تمام الخامسة عصرًا الدّعوة عامّة للأعمار بين ٧ سنوات و١١ سنةً. ستُجمع التّبرّعات دعمًا لصمود أهل غزّة في وجه العدوان الصّهيونيّ. للتّسجيل، يُرجى ملء الرّابط المرفق بالبايو.
The UIC Quad https://maps.app.goo.gl/TAQPiF8pHvJ5vU4K9 29 August Repost @sdsatuic EMERGENCY RALLY Join us this Thursday to denounce the Israeli bombing of Lebanon and aggression against Lebanon and demand an immediate end of all US aid to Israel! Stand with Palestine and Lebanon at 1pm in the quad this Thursday!
Toulouse Grill (salle du bas - métro Mirail Université - Toulouse https://maps.app.goo.gl/wAz5P9QUZ5aYttxi9 1 October #Repost @comite.soutien.palestine.31 En solidarité avec les peuples palestinien et libanais, nouvelle réunion du Comité de soutien à la Palestine ce mardi 1er octobre à 18h30 au Toulouse Grill (salle du bas - métro Mirail Université - Toulouse). Au programme : discussion sur la situation en Palestine et au Liban, organisation des nouvelles actions et activités, etc. #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack #GazaGenocide #FreePalestine