Baghdad, Iraq Al Mulla Howish Mosque 17 January #Repost @iraqisuportmediacell بعنوان: وانتصرت غzة ستقام صلاة الجمعة المركزية (53) في جامع ملا حويش - حي الجامعة مع مسيرة الى نفق الشرطة حضوركم موقف امام الله ونصرة لدين الله ونصرة لاخوانكم في أرض غزة
Hartford, Connecticut, USA CT STATE CAPITOL 19 January #Repost @ampalestinect Join us at the Hartford Capitol Building this Sunday for a Rally & Vigil for PaIestine. As we honor the lives lost, we stand united in the call for full liberation, an end to the onslaught, and justice for PaIestinians in Ga@a, the West Bank, and all over the world. The struggle is far from over with the announcement of a temporary ceasefire - your voice is needed now more than ever. Hartford Capitol Building Sunday, January 19 2:30PM
Toledo, Ohio, USA TALMADGE & SYLVANIA 18 January #Repost @amp_toledo 1/18
New York, New York, USA NEW YORK TIMES HQ 242 W 41st St, New York, NY 10036 18 January #Repost @studentstogetherair The struggle continues, and the flood rises stronger! Join us Saturday, January 18, at 2 PM in front of The New York Times headquarters at 242 W. 41st St. New York, NY 10036 as we demand full liberation from the river to the sea. This is not just a fight for a ceasefire—it’s a fight to end all U.S. financial, media, political, and diplomatic complicity in the crimes of settler colonialism, genocide, and Zionism. The ceasefire while only temporary, was won through the resilience of Palestinian resistance. But true justice demands more: lifting the siege on Gaza, freeing every Palestinian prisoner, and dismantling the occupation entirely. For decades, Palestinians have endured relentless violence, oppression, and dispossession—fueled by U.S. military aid, diplomatic backing, and media propaganda that enable the apartheid regime. Under the Biden administration and the Democratic Party, this complicity has ensured that the bloodshed continues to their very last days in power. The U.S. media isn’t just complicit—it actively spreads propaganda to dehumanize Palestinians and justify these crimes. The New York Times, which falsely claimed the Gaza death toll was exaggerated, has now admitted that the toll was undercounted. As the imperial core, we have a duty to expose these accomplices and demand accountability. Even before October 7, 2023, this year had already become one of the deadliest for Palestinian children in the West Bank. The violence persists because the occupying entity remains entrenched on stolen Palestinian land. Recently, Jenin Camp was bombed twice in weeks, leaving 12 martyrs as the occupation tightened its grip to crush resistance. Liberation is non-negotiable, and justice cannot wait. Join us to demand justice for Palestine! #FreePalestine #WithinOurLifetime
Harvey, Louisiana, USA Masjid Omar 17 January #Repost @masjid_omar_nola “In Support of Gaza” An Inspiring Event on Gaza’s Ongoing Crisis Date: Friday, January 17, 2025 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Masjid Omar We are honored to invite you to an event featuring Dr. Mohammed AlKandari and Dr. Omar Althuwaini, hosted under the sponsorship of Reach Education Fund and Heart Share US. They will share their firsthand experiences in Gaza during the ongoing genocide and discuss humanitarian efforts to support those affected. This is a vital opportunity to learn about the current suffering of our brothers and sisters in Gaza, educate others about the crisis, and join efforts to make a difference. We encourage you to invite someone who isn’t Arab or Muslim to gain a broader understanding of the situation. Event Highlights: Personal insights and experiences from Gaza. Discussions on humanitarian initiatives and fundraising for relief efforts. A chance to unite and raise awareness about the ongoing genocide. Reserve your spot with link in bio. Let us come together to support Gaza and amplify its story to the world.
Amsterdam, Netherlands AMSTERDAM CENTRAL STATION 17 January #Repost @c21maart Nu misschien wel belangrijker dan ooit! Zien we je daar? Steun @sjpamsterdam @p.g.n.l en alle anderen acties dit weekend wees aanwezig waar je aanwezig kan zijn en roep ook op hen te steunen! Samen zijn we sterker! Free Gaza, Free Palestine
GoldCoast, Australia Surfers Paradise Esplanade X Elkhorn Avenue 19 January #Repost @justiceforpalestine.magandjin Brisbane and Gold Coast are going all out for Palestine this Sunday Two big rallies planned, make sure you get along to one of them! #BDSMovement #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow @freepalestineaustralia @goldcoast.forpalestine
Dearborn, Michigan, USA Henry Ford Library 16301 Michigan Ave 19 January #Repost @uspcn DEARBORN: Join us this Sunday for a rally in celebration of the steadfastness of our people against zionism and towards liberation . As news of a ceasefire breaks after 465 days of genocide, we must show the world that dearborn will continue to rise until full liberation. As long as zionism continues to exist our people from Lebanon to Syria, to Iraq, To Palestine are under threat of ethnic cleansing and forced displacement. We must continue to drive for full liberation and reparations.
Gavle, Sweden Stortorget 18 January #Repost @kulturforeningen.palestina Medkämpar i Gävle! Denna vecka kommer vi samlas för en ljusmanifestation och känna en stund innan vapenvilan. Glädje, sorg, gemenskap… Kom och tänd ett ljus med oss Vi ses på lördag!
Brisbane, Australia KING GEORGE SQUARE 19 January #Repost @justiceforpalestine.magandjin Brisbane and Gold Coast are going all out for Palestine this Sunday Two big rallies planned, make sure you get along to one of them! #BDSMovement #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow @freepalestineaustralia @goldcoast.forpalestine
Copenhagen, Denmark RÅDHUSPLADSEN 16 January #Repost Kampen for våbenhvilens implementering og opretholdelsen af den fortsætter. Kravet om retfærdighed og frihed for det palæstinensiske folk fortsætter! Del, kommenter og duk op i aften!
Marseille, France Porte d'Aix 19 January #Repost @urgencepalestine.marseille Marseille mobilisée pour la Palestine : célébrons le cessez-le-feu et continuons la lutte ! Dimanche 19 janvier à 14h Porte d’Aix, Marseille Après 15 mois de bombardements et de massacres, un cessez-le-feu entre en vigueur ce dimanche 19 janvier. Cette victoire, arrachée par la résistance palestinienne doit être célébrée ! Mais ne soyons pas dupes : l’occupation continue, la répression ne s’arrête pas, et la justice pour la Palestine reste à conquérir. Pourquoi nous rassemblons-nous ? Pour célébrer cette avancée après plus de 450 jours de luttes acharnées. Pour dénoncer le génocide en cours. Pour exiger la levée totale du blocus, la fin de la colonisation et la libération de la Palestine ! La résistance palestinienne a prouvé qu’elle ne pliera pas. À nous de continuer le combat à ses côtés ! Ce dimanche, soyons nombreux pour faire entendre notre voix : la Palestine vivra, la Palestine vaincra ! Célébrons la victoire, poursuivons la lutte !
Vasteras, Sweden Stora torget 18 January #Repost @vasteras_kamp ”På den här jorden finns det något värt att leva för,” skriver Mahmoud Darwish i sin poesi. Palestinierna lär oss hur man konfronterar ockupationen och samtidigt älskar livet. Trots mer än ett år av kontinuerligt utrotningskrig har Israel misslyckats med att uppnå sina krigsmål. De har inte kunnat eliminera motståndet, etniskt rensa palestinierna till Sinai eller rädda sina fångar. Trots allt detta förblir urfolket orubbligt på sin mark, trots förstörelse, smärta och hunger. Även om folkmordet skulle ta slut inom några dagar betyder det inte att kampen är över. Det är avgörande att vi håller ansvariga för krigsförbrytelser, både här i Sverige och i andra länder. Vi måste ställa vår medskyldiga regering till svars och kräva att den inför sanktioner mot ockupationen så snabbt som möjligt. Det är också viktigt att vi tänker långsiktigt och fortsätter våra kampanjer och bojkotter. Även gatupressen måste fortsätta sitt arbete. Därför samlas vi på lördag den 18 januari på Stora torget för att diskutera och planera kommande aktioner och kräva sanktioner mot apartheidregimen. Låt oss vara många. Vi välkomnar vapenvilan i Gaza och gläds tillsammans med vårt folk i Palestina. Vi lovar dem att vi kommer att fortsätta stå vid deras sida. Israel har gång på gång kringgått sina internationella skyldigheter och avfärdat resolutioner, vilket gör att landet måste utsättas för påtryckningar från den svenska regeringen och det internationella samfundet.
Copenhagen, Denmark RÅDHUSPLADSEN 19 January #Repost @palactions Våbenhvilen træder i kraft d. 19/01, og det er et skridt mod fred og håb for det palæstinensiske folk. Men vi må huske, at dette ikke er slutningen – det er kun begyndelsen. Vi skal fortsætte kampen for at stoppe våbeneksporten til Israel og sikre, at våbenhvilen ikke bliver brudt. Lige nu fejrer vi denne sejr, men vi står fast i vores krav og vi stopper ikke før Palæstina er fri VI SES PÅ RÅDHUSPLADSEN LIGE OM LIDT! (Obs: stående demo, og vi bliver der noget tid, del og kom!)
Lille, France AGENCE BNP GRAND PLACE 9 PL. GÉNÉRAL DE GAULLE 18 January #Repost @afps59.62 STOP à la complicité dans l’injustice ! BNP Paribas finance des entreprises impliquées dans les colonies illégales en Palestine et dans l’armement d’Israël. En tant que citoyens conscients, nous ne pouvons pas rester silencieux face à ce soutien à l’oppression. Rejoignez-nous pour une action BDS (Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions) ce samedi 18 janvier à 11h devant l’agence BNP Grand Place (9 Place Général de Gaulle, Lille). Pourquoi agir ? Faire pression sur BNP Paribas pour qu’ils cessent ces investissements. Soutenir la justice et les droits du peuple palestinien. Être une voix pour la paix et contre l’apartheid. Votre présence compte ! Ensemble, montrons que nous refusons la normalisation de l’injustice. RDV : Samedi 18 janvier à 11h Agence BNP Grand Place, Lille Faites passer le message et mobilisez autour de vous. Le changement commence par nous ! #BDS #JusticePourLaPalestine #BoycottBNP #Solidarité