Marseille, France LA FRATERNITÉ _7 Boulevard Burel 13003 9 February #Repost @thawra_13 ÉVÈNEMENT Dimanche 9 février 16h30 la Fraternité Belle de Mai, 7 bd Burel 13003 Marseille Présentation et retours d’expériences de qui sont parti.e.s en Cisjordanie L’UAWC = Union des Travailleurs Agricoles Palestiniens, est une organisation qui lutte pour la libération de la Palestine en construisant l’autonomie alimentaire Sana’, salariée de l’UAWC, basée à Ramallah, sera présente en visio pour nous parler de la situation actuelle, des agriculteurs.ices Palestinien.nes et du travail de l’organisation. Un temps d’échange avec la salle est prévu, les questions et interventions courtes seront les bienvenues! Des collectifs marseillais de soutien à la Palestine tiendront des tables. Food et boisson sur place Construisons ensemble les ponts entre Marseille et la Palestine
Brisbane, Australia KING GEORGE SQUARE 9 February #Repost @justiceforpalestine.magandjin Next Magan-djin rally + march for Palestine - Sunday 9th Feb, 4pm at King George Square JUSTICE is what we demand! A ceasefire is only the very first step. Join us to demand Australia: Sanction Israel and Israeli leaders responsible for the genocide End support for the occupation Ban the two-way arms trade with Israel We will not stop protesting - we need to continue to demand liberation for Palestine. Call on our government to cut ties with Israel. Call to stop the ongoing displacement of Palestinian people! And freedom for Palestine! Boycott, Divest and Sanctions Now! #BDSMovement #FreePalestine @doykeit.magandjin @mumsforpalestine_meanjin @qldmuslims @unionists4palestineqld @shutdownferra @students4palestine_qld @freepalestineaustralia @goldcoast.forpalestine @apan4palestine @mchandlermather @northernrivers4palestine @remah4moreton @edtheprogressive @a.h.s.p.a.n @panzma__ @hcwsforpalestine @350magandjin @antipovertyqld @bayside4palestine @icrr.meanjin @meanjinsolidarityfund @rac_qld @sunnycoastforpalestine @disruptwars @bdsinaustralia @greenleftonline @bds_youth_magandjin
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan SHIBUYA HACHIKO 9 February #Repost @palestinejapan これは弔いではない。 哀れみや悲しみのためではなく、栄光と名誉を讃え、そして怒りを表現しよう。 赤い涙ではなく、虐殺に立ち向かい、抵抗した人々のシンボルである赤い逆三角形を描こう。 私たちは、殉教した人たちの名前だけではなく、それぞれ人生を伝える。殉教者は統計で示されるただの数字ではない。殉教者には、それぞれ夢があり、家族がいる——全て、「イスラエル」に奪われてしまったものである。私たちは、殉教者の人間として生きた証がこの世から抹消されてしまうことを拒否する。 殉教者の物語を伝えるプラカを作り、持参しよう。私たちの体を、殉教者の声を伝える媒体にしよう。抵抗を続けよう。 殉教者に栄光あれ。パレスチナ人の捕虜たちに自由あれ。そして、抵抗に勝利あれ 2月9日 (日) 14:00-16:00 渋谷ハチ公前 This is not a vigil. It is not a moment of pity or sadness, but a remembrance of glory, honor, and an expression of our rage. Instead of painting red tears, this time we will mark inverted red triangles, a symbol of those who stood and fell resisting genocide. We will not just list names, we will tell their stories. They were not statistics. They were people with dreams, families, and futures stolen by ‘isntreal’. We refuse to let their humanity be erased. Bring signs with their stories. Let their voices rise through us. Let their resistance live on. Glory to our martyrs. Freedom for our hostages. Victory to the resistance February 9 (Sunday) 14:00-16:00 Shibuya Hachiko Square
Athens, Greece Alimos Beach (Edem stop) 9 February #Repost @bds_greece Την Κυριακή 9 Φεβρουαρίου συναντιόμαστε στις 12:00 στην παραλία Αλίμου (στάση τραμ Εδέμ) για μια συμβολική δράση αλληλεγγύης στον λαό της Γάζας που επιστρέφει στη βόρεια Γάζα, αλλά και σε όλον τον Παλαιστινιακό λαό που αγωνίζεται για το δικαίωμα της επιστροφής στη γη τους που βρίσκεται υπό Ισραηλινή κατοχή. Σχηματίζουμε με τα σώματά μας το Παλαιστινιακό κλειδί της επιστροφής και φωνάζουμε λευτεριά στην Παλαιστίνη! Συνδιοργάνωση @palestiniancommunitygreece | | | BDS Greece #λευτεριάστηνπαλαιστίνη #freepalestine #rightofreturn
Terni, Italy DAVANTI AL CARCERE DI TERNI STRADA DEI LAGHETTI 9 February #Repost Presidio - Anan Yaeesh libero! Domenica 9 febbraio 2025 Ore 14:00 Terni - Strada dei Laghetti (davanti al carcere)
Seoul, South Korea Kyobo Bookstore, Gwanghwamun, Seoul (Gwanghwamun Station Exit 4) 9 February #Repost @0226naji 아침부터 뉴스 제목들을 보고 얼척이 없어서.. 트럼프가 가자 지구 주민들의 귀향을 반대하고, 미국이 가자지구를 점령해 소유할 것이라는 얘기를 했단 뉴스가 쏟아졌다. 분노가 하늘을 찌른다. 역시, 팔레스타인 연대 운동은 전 세계에서 더욱 커져야 한다. 이번 주에도! 모입시다! #freepalestine #israelout
Boston, Massachusetts, USA MA STATE HOUSE 9 February #Repost @bostonpsl THE PEOPLE UNITED WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED! Thousands across the state have demanded that Governor Maura Healey make MA a sanctuary state by signing our petition, join us this Sunday, 2/9 for a rally to keep the movement going! Sunday, 2/9 2PM MA State House (24 Beacon St) We demand: 1. No state or local law enforcement collaboration with ICE! 2. Stop the racist demonization of immigrants! 3. No new restrictions on housing assistance! 4. No ICE in Massachusetts public schools or other public institutions! JOIN OUR TELEGRAM FOR UPDATES! in bio! ——————————————— ¡EL PUEBLO UNIDO JAMÁS SERÁ VENCIDO! Miles de personas alrededor del estado han exigido que la gobernadora Maura Healey haga de Massachusetts un estado santuario al firmar nuestra petición. ¡Acompáñanos este domingo, 9 de febrero en una manifestación para seguir armando el movimiento! Domingo, 9 de febrero 2PM Casa estatal de Massachusetts (24 Beacon St) Exigimos: 1. ¡NO a la colaboración entre fuerzas policiales estatales/locales y ICE! 2. ¡ALTO a la demonización racista de las y los inmigrantes! 3. ¡NO a nuevas restricciones a la asistencia para vivienda! 4. ¡NO al acceso de ICE a las escuelas públicas ni a cualquier institución pública de Massachusetts! Únete a nuestro Telegram para recibir actualizaciones: ¡Enlace en la bio!
#Repost @upp.uniespourlapalestine @itsnotcomplicatedbxl Manifestation le 09/02 en soutien au peuple palestinien, organisée par le collectif UPP- Unies Pour La Palestine et It's Not Complicated en collaboration avec différents collectifs et associations de Bruxelles actifs dans la lutte pour le peuple palestinien. Malheureusement, c'est au tour de la Cisjordanie d'être envahie. Suite au cessez-le-feu à Gaza , le gouvernement israélien en profite pour commettre des meurtres et kidnapper des de la West Bank. Il est plus que nécessaire que le mouvement pour la Palestine continue de s'amplifier ici en Europe, avec une solidarité et une unité infaillibles. Le combat continue jusqu'à la victoire du peuple palestinien!
Brisbane, Australia KING GEORGE SQUARE 9 February #Repost @justiceforpalestine.magandjin In a joint press conference with Netanyahu, Trump has announced the USA’s intention to “take over” Gaza, level all remaining infrastructure and expel every Palestinian from Gaza to make way for US-owned development of the strip. Netanyahu has praised this decision, reiterating Israel’s intentions to “finish the job” in Gaza. Their statements leave no room for ambiguity: this is a call for ethnic cleansing and colonial conquest. Australia continues to play a major role in supplying weapons, intelligence and diplomatic cover to this genocide. We must increase pressure within Australia for boycotts, divestment and sanctions on Israel. We call on the Australian government to explicitly and unreservedly condemn these vile comments from President Trump. We reiterate our demand for the government to place sanctions on Israel. To all supporters of Palestine: join us this Sunday, at 4pm in King George Square, to demand Australia cut ties with Israel: stop the two-way arms trade, end all support for the occupation, and sanction Israel and its leaders responsible for genocide. Join us to take a stand for justice, freedom and dignity for all Palestinians. #BDSMovement #FreePalestine @doykeit.magandjin @mumsforpalestine_meanjin @qldmuslims @unionists4palestineqld @shutdownferra @students4palestine_qld @freepalestineaustralia @apan4palestine @mchandlermather @northernrivers4palestine @remah4moreton @edtheprogressive @a.h.s.p.a.n @panzma__ @hcwsforpalestine @350magandjin @antipovertyqld @bayside4palestine @icrr.meanjin @meanjinsolidarityfund @rac_qld @sunnycoastforpalestine @disruptwars @bdsinaustralia @bds_youth_magandjin @goldcoast.forpalestine
Marseille, France Porte d'Aix 8 February #Repost @urgencepalestine.marseille MANIFESTATION À MARSEILLE POUR LA LIBÉRATION DE GEORGES ABDALLAH ! Dimanche 9 février – 14h – Porte d’Aix, Marseille La cour d’appel de Paris se prononcera le 20 février sur la demande de libération conditionnelle de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, communiste révolutionnaire arabe et militant de la cause palestinienne, détenu en France depuis plus de 40 ans. Sa détention incarne la répression des forces impérialistes contre celles et ceux qui luttent pour la justice et la liberté. Face à l’occupation, au colonialisme et à l’apartheid, nous réaffirmons la légitimité de la résistance palestinienne ! Soyons nombreuses et nombreux dans les rues de Marseille pour exiger sa libération immédiate ! #LibertéPourGeorgesAbdallah
Akaroa, New Zealand Õnuku Marae, Akaroa 6 February #Repost @psna_otautahi We’re joining Toitū Te Tiriti Ōtautahi outside Ōnuku Marae, Akaroa to protest Prime Minister Christopher Luxon on Waitangi Day. Come along, let this government hear our united voice for justice, equity and protections of indigenous rights both here and in Palestine. Car pool from 21 York Street leaving at 7am! 8:30am Waitangi Day, Thursday, February 6th Ōnuku Marae, Akaroa We’ll be back in time to join the Waitangi Day Hīkoi organised by Tai ki Maunga, Maunga ki Tai. Important: • Follow respectful protocol of mana whenua. • Keep protests to the designated area outside the Marae. • There is no parking at Ōnuku Marae. Free parking and shuttles will be available from the Akaroa Area School, from 7.30am and will run throughout the day.
Eskilstuna, Sweden FRISTADSTORGET 8 February #Repost @palestinakommitten.eskilstuna
Eskilstuna, Sweden SMÖRTORGET 8 February #Repost @palestinakommitten.eskilstuna
Copenhagen, Denmark Udenrigsministeriet 8 February #Repost @stopannekteringen Gaza og Vestbredden tilhører, hverken de bosætterkoloniale regimer, Israel eller USA, men den oprindelige befolkning palæstinenserne! Alle på gaden for et frit Palæstina!
Perth, Australia PERTH CONCERT HALL ST GEORGES TERRACE OPPOSITE US CONSULATE 7 February #Repost @fopwa URGENT | Fri 7 Feb 5:30 | St Georges opp. US Consulate Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu have called for the US to ‘take over’ the Gaza Strip and to permanently displace all Gazans. Friends of Palestine WA has called a snap rally for this Friday at 5:30pm opposite the US consulate, outside the Perth Concert Hall on St George’s Terrace. For everyone who wants to express their horror and dismay at Donald Trump and Netanyahu’s latest announcement - please be there for this march. See our press statement below. Palestinians living in Perth and their supporters will demonstrate this Friday night to express their horror and dismay at Donald Trump and Netanyahu’s latest announcement. “By declaring that Gaza should be put under American control and Palestinians removed to neighboring countries, the most powerful man in the world is calling openly for ethnic cleansing.” argues Hala Ilena, co-chair of Friends of Palestine WA. “We have suffered beyond belief. Our children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles have been slaughtered for the last 15 months. And now this. The world must stand up.” Nick Everett, co- chair of FOPWA argues. “Donald Trump has not ruled out the use of American troops in the Gaza strip. He also indicated that Israel should continue and accelerate their conquest of Palestinian land in the West Bank. The notion of international law has been tossed out the window.” “All such moves must be vigorously opposed by our own government. Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong have claimed that they stand for equal rights and justice for Palestinians. Thus far we have only seen them grovel at the feet of Donald Trump. We must protest and demand our government actively and urgently break all ties with Israel and refuse to go along with Donald Trump’s plans for imperial expansion.” maintains Vashti Fox, media spokesperson for FOPWA. #perth #perthiscool #westernaustralia #justice #equality #freedom #solidarity #fopwa #UnityInAction #freepalestine #gazaunderattack #freegaza #ceasefirenow #freegazafromisrael #letgazababieslive #letgazalive #solidarity